Secondary Sub School Rooms 19 - 27

Ashley Stace

(Acting Secondary Subschool Leader) 


Hello everyone,


The secondary Sub School has been very busy the past fortnight. 

We have had the Life Education Victoria and the Minibeasts incursion. Both incursions have been well received. I enjoyed seeing the complete interest in the Minibeast incursion. 

With reports done, our teachers are really maintaining routine for regulation’s sake. So, look at the photos below as Tom our P.E. teacher maintains his usual teaching pace for a fantastic session.

A special shout out to Room 19 who are featured below for their exciting excursion when they walked to the local park. 

I hope everyone enjoys SSG`s.


Ash Stace.

Room 27


Semester 2 has been a busy time for students in Room 27. As part of the Advance program, they have participated in many sporting activities, community outings as well as specialised curriculum programs. Students’ participation in all activities has been outstanding. Some of the more notable achievements have included 1st, 2nd and 4th place at the Whittlesea Art Show, an outstanding performance in the school concert (which was a favourite amongst the little ones) as well as completion of the Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge. 

A key highlight for students and teachers in Room 27 has been their volunteer work at the Brotherhood of St Laurence. Students have learned many work-related skills including customer service, sorting, stacking, OH&S, financial mathematics, and work-related social skills. Students have made a wonderful impression amongst the staff at the Brotherhood, they have been praised for the manners, hard- work and resilience. 

As the year comes to an end, we would like to thank all the wonderful parents, for their support this year.