Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill



The Middle Sub School has been busy, busy, busy these past few weeks! We had Harold join us alongside the Life Education program, and oh were we excited to see a life size giraffe. 



With the weather heating up, a gentle reminder to ensure children are sent to school wearing sunscreen and a hat, to ensure they can remain safe in the sunshine. Staff continue to be vigilant in reminding students to remove their jumpers on warm days in an effort to stay cool!



A reminder that SSG’s are taking place in Weeks 8-10. Teachers are eager to share the progress that has been made in the classroom, and to discuss future goals as we head into 2024.

As we approach the end of 2023, students are busy wrapping up in their current classrooms, with a mixture of anticipation, excitement, and nerves as they consider what the following year will bring. To support this transition, teachers and ES staff are working alongside students to prepare them, by engaging in conversation, facilitating discussion around what the future may hold. As always, your child’s classroom team is here to answer any questions in the lead up to the end of the year.


                                     Room 17


Room 17 have had an exciting Term 4, with welcoming the new teacher Michelle to the classroom.

The students have had lots of fun learning about time, diary writing, learning about how to be safe online.  They have also been discussing how they can be a good friend.

The students have thoroughly enjoyed SAKG program and cooking lots of yummy food like chicken tacos and a healthy stir fry.

We have had lots of fun meeting Healthy Harold and going to Inflatable World.

The students have worked extremely well in Term 4 and are looking forward to the Christmas holidays.