Facilities News

Dr Denise Clarke Frances Hansen
Capital Works Manager Facilities Manager
Capital Works
The Yaluk building has been progressing well and at the end of October the construction process was 77% completed. The school has requested that some major items - installation of basketball rings and special joinery for the high support needs room - be re-instated from the contingency fund. At the tender stage the building was over budget and some items had to be removed. We are excited about the additional items but they will delay the completion of the building. We are planning to be transitioning into the building for Term 2, 2024,
Construction reports indicate that 90% of wall linings and masonry work has been completed. All the retaining walls and backfilling behind the walls have been completed. Most of the services have been "roughed in" except for the PA and security system.
Most of the flooring (light grey) has been laid in the gym so staff are looking forward to their first view of it today. The stage has also been installed - please see three photos below
Staff have another opportunity this afternoon to inspect the progress of the building and the exciting new spaces we will have when the building opens next year.
Facilities News
Internal cyclone fences and gates are being replaced around the school over the next few weekends, this will make it easier for staff and students to transition through the school and open up some playgrounds creating a more welcoming environment for the school community.
On the next student free day in December, the school will have many of its routine inspections completed including the repair of downpipes and railings around the school.
Thank you to Rob Ball and his Thursday Hands on Learning class for constructing and installing a seat outside the new OT room.