Wellbeing event

CJC is hosting this online Seminar for the school community!


Are you looking for some practical advice on how to support your child’s body confidence?


It can be hard to know how to respond when a child speaks negatively about themselves, particularly when so many adults struggle with their own body image.


Join the experts from the Butterfly Foundation for a free, relaxed and informative 75mins seminar for parents/carers on practical strategies for supporting positive body image in children and teens.  Topics include: the power of positive role modelling; reducing appearance talk, healthy behaviours in relation to eating and exercise, early intervention and referral advice.


Wednesday 29th November, 2023


ZOOM link below




Meeting ID: 886 9376 2101


We ask that microphones are kept on mute and participants use the chat function if they have a question please.



​*This session is designed for an adult audience and we kindly ask that children do not participate.


Here is the Pre-event handout link below to all attendees.  Please have access to this link to use in session. 




Butterfly specialist counsellors are available 8am – Midnight (AEST), 7 days a week should you have any concerns about eating disorders or body image issues, whether for yourself or someone you care about - https://butterfly.org.au/get-support/helpline/


For further information and free resources, families with teenagers can access Butterfly’s Body Kind Families -

https://butterfly.org.au/get-involved/campaigns/bodykindfamilies/ (registration required). 


For families with younger children, information is available as part of Butterfly’s Body Bright Primary Program - https://www.butterflybodybright.org.au/resources



Please contact the Wellbeing Team if you have any questions


Kind regards, 


Shauna, Tilly and Lisa