Connect: Foundation

Key Dates:

  • Wednesday 13th December- Reports published
  • Friday 15th Class Parties (information to come)
  • Friday 15th Final Assembly

Our Learning:


Students will be reading fairy tales and discussing their favourite part and characters. This term we have learnt the diagraphs ph, wh, ai, ay, ee, ea , igh, ie, _y, oa and ing. The heart words we have learnt so far are ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘of ‘, ‘off’, ‘were’, ‘you’, ‘why’ and ‘came’.

Here is a link to our Phonics song:



Students will be revising addition and subtraction and completing equations using concrete materials to assist with the operation.

Children learn important maths concepts through play. Here is a link to a Maths game you could play at home:

Game title: Chasing The Magic Number



During our ‘Sustainable World’ unit, students will create a poster that promotes sustainability in their school and home. Students have spent the term learning about the many ways they can help the environment by making changes in their school and home.


We have had an amazing year, filled with lots of learning. Our Preps have grown academically and socially. As teachers we have loved watching them form friendships and start to mix with the wider school community. We are proud to usher them into Grade One and wish them all the best. Happy holidays and enjoy your break.


The Prep Team