
Lisa Male | Student Wellbeing, Inclusion and Engagement Leader

Bringing Fun and Increasing Positivity


Wednesday afternoons have continued to be thoroughly enjoyed by students and our ES staff during the Passion Hour. Baking, biscuit decorating, collaborative games and picnic were among the many things students enjoyed over the recent weeks. Many students have approached me seeking to become involved in this program. We are hoping to expand this initiative in 2024, as we have been lucky enough to secure funding for a Student Wellbeing Mentor next year. 


As a school we have made significant progress in student wellbeing approaches and intiatives this year, such as staff learning in the areas of:

  • School-wide positive behaviour supports - clarity around our expected behaviours, acknowledgment systems and consistent responses to inappropriate behaviours
  • trauma-informed practices - developing consistent predictable routines such as morning circles, positive primers and brain breaks
  • Respectful Relationships

Next year, the whole staff will embark on learning more about trauma-informed positive education, with significant professional development around the Berry Street Educational Model. 


I would like to thank you all for partnering with us in 2023 - in working together we have made a difference!