Connect: Year 5

Welcome to the final Year 5 Connect for 2023!

Important Dates:                               

  • Thursday 14th December:         Year 5 Pool Day- (if your child is not attending for any reason please contact their classroom teacher) 
  • Friday 15th December:               Class Parties
  • Wednesday 20th December:     Last day of school- 1.30pm finish

Class Parties:

To celebrate the end of Year 5 we will be having Class Parties on Friday 15th! To make it easier for all, can we please have our girl students bring savoury (hot or cold) and boys sweet (can include fruit). Students also need to bring a plate and fork. We’ll start a list at school of who is bringing what so we don’t over-carter.


Kris Kringle:

Many students have shown an interest in holding a Kris Kringle gift exchange. If your child would like to participate, please bring a wrapped, gender-neutral gift to the value of $5 which will be exchanged at our class party. Please note this is not mandatory. 

What's been happening in our classrooms?


In Reading we have continued to read the mentor text "Black Cockatoo." Students have independently read, had discussions and answered comprehension questions about the text. In Writing we have continued our unit on Narrative writing. Students have been planning, drafting, self assessing, conferencing with peers and their teacher before publishing. We have enjoyed reading students stories! 



The past few weeks have all been about revision of the 4 operations. Students have continued to revise a variety of strategies to solve Multiplication and Division problems including the area model and the lattice method. Students also balanced equations. Over the holidays please encourage your child to practice recalling multiplication and division facts.



In Inquiry sessions students began finishing up our unit on "Solids, Gases and liquids." A highlight was finally conducting their volcano experiments. 

Big Congratulations:

Congratulations to all of our amazing year 5 students who courageously put themselves forward for a Grade 6 leadership role! Your enthusiasm and determination is truly commendable, and although not everyone was successful, this experience will surely shape you into even stronger leaders for the future.


Introducing the 2024: 

School Captains: Nikita Collins and Liam Byl 

Vice Captains: Lacey Zach and Levi Pate








House Captains:

Webb: Mia Smith and Noah Waterhouse

Waugh: Piper Miller and Lita McPherson

Freeman: Charlotte Dahlgren and Mitch Clark

Thorpe: Marlon Chenoweth and Alana Holland


A further well-done to Lita Mcpherson for being the first student at Skye Primary to receive 500 dojo points and being a Gold Award of Excellence. When asked how she was going to cash in these points she replied, "I am going to be the principal for an hour, and do what principals do" (Lita, 2023).


Well done Lita :)  

Well done to our amazing Year 5 students on completing another year of school. We wish you all the best as you step up as the leaders of the school in 2024. We would also like to say a big thank you for all of your support this year and we wish you all happy and safe holidays!


Year 5 Team