Connect: Year 3

December 2023

Tuesday December 12thStep up day - Meet the teacher - morning session
Friday December 15th

Final Assembly  9:00am

Class Parties (information to come)

Wednesday December 20thFinal official day - dismissal at 1:30pm

What's happening?

We have a few small things happening in the next couple of weeks to finish the year up...

  • We will start to send home work and books/resources home with your child over the next week or so. This will be completed by next Friday to ensure a smooth process for teachers who will be moving classrooms in Week 12. 
  • Information will come out shortly about class parties - please keep an eye on your emails etc.
  • Library Books! If your child has any books belonging to the library. These are now due. Thanks for your help as Ms Clarke continues her stocktake.
  • We would like to congratulate the students on an outstanding performance for our Christmas concert. We really appreciate the time you all spent coming along to a beautiful community event. Thank you!

In our classrooms...

  • Literacy: We have been finishing our units on explanation and informative texts. We have been exploring topics online, taking notes and now making posters. They are looking fabulous!
  • Numeracy: We have been revising a lot in the past two weeks! We have focused on fractions, time and the four operations ( + - x /)
  • Inquiry: We have continued to look at the First Fleet and the conditions that the convicts found themselves in on their journey to Australia. We have looked at information about the ships they travelled on!

We will miss you Mrs Dunkley and Mr Salter!

As we close the year, this also means some goodbyes. We are sad to see both Mrs Dunkley and Mr Salter go as they take on opportunities closer to home. Our team and the students in the Grade 2/3 community will miss you very much! Thank you!



We would like to extend a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our wonderful families. Thank you for an amazing year collaborating together to help your child learn. We hope you get to have a restful break and hopefully see you fresh and ready in 2024!



Best wishes for an amazing 2024...

The Grade Three team ~ Ash, Taryn, Helen, Kate & Stef