Grade 2
We have had an action packed fortnight in Year 2! We have been swimming, dancing, dressing up and learning.
We had so much fun celebrating our SRC chosen dress up day. Students came dressed as their future selves and donated a gold coin to the Royal Children's Hospital. Year two students dressed as professional athletes, educators, police officers and health care professionals. The future is very bright with our Grayling students.
Our Year 2 SRC superstars also provided our whole school with a recount of our swimming at assembly last week. Our SRC students echoed our thoughts and feelings beautifully during their speech-swimming was awesome! Even though there were a few butterflies prior to swimming, in true Grayling style our students embraced and thrived throughout the experience. All students demonstrated our school values of Performance, Open Minded, Respect and Daring as they kicked, dove and blew bubbles. We would like to congratulate all Year two students (and their families) for their tremendous organisational skills, we only ended up with one pair of undies left for the whole week. Also, a massive thank you to Mr Pike for organising this valuable experience.
We have been moving and shaking during our weekly dance lessons. Students have been learning about body zones, musical counts and body language. The sensational Miss S and Ash have also been teaching us our end of year performance. But to see our groovy moves, you will have to come to our end of year concert on Thursday 14th June.
During Writing, we have been combining all our skills and knowledge on persuasive writing. Students have been trying to convince their teachers of the need for an end of year party, more swimming lessons and if they should or should not have the same class next year. We have been very impressed with student persuasive skills-hopefully students will use their new persuasive powers for good.
In reading we have continued to develop our fluency and expression. Students listen as their teachers model reading aloud, then they copy. Next students partner up with their fluency pair to reread the same passage to reinforce their fluency.
We have been consolidating and developing our knowledge of place value during Mathematics. In fun and engaging activities we have been recognising, modelling, representing and ordering numbers to at least 1000. Some of the fun activities we have been participating in include making the biggest number with cards, colour by place value sheets and finding the missing number.
Next week for all areas of the curriculum, we will be focussing on NAPLAN preparation. Students will be exposed to NAPLAN style questions, conditions and rubrics. Through this process we aim to reduce any nerves, and familiarise students with the requirements so they can produce their best work.