HSIE Faculty

‘History is all explained by Geography’ – Robert Penn Warren

Welcome to 2024! 

Whether your child is starting or continuing at our school, welcome to the wonderful world of HSIE for 2024. We look forward to uncovering the world this year with students at Francis Greenway High School.


We hope you've had a restful break and are ready for another enriching and engaging semester of learning. As we kickstart this term, there are a few essential items we want to remind you to bring to class each day to ensure you're fully prepared for our lessons.


Firstly, don't forget to bring your BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) laptop, ensuring it's fully charged and ready for use. Your laptop will be a valuable tool for research, collaboration, and accessing digital resources throughout the term. Additionally, please remember to bring a designated book for your HSIE subject along with a pen or pencil. These simple items will be instrumental in helping you take notes, participate in activities, and make the most of our learning experiences together. 


Students this year are welcomed back by the following staff: 

HSIE StaffPosition
Mr PerryHead Teacher HSIE
Mrs SchmarrAssistant Head Teacher
Mrs FouracreYear 9 Adviser
Mrs BretagHead Teacher Teaching and Learning
Mr DouglasHSIE Teacher
Ms Parmenter                                 Year 7 Adviser
Ms MurphyHead Teacher Secondary Studies

This term each year group will be learning the following topics:

Year 7

Landscapes & Landforms 


In Year 7, students enthusiastically delve into the study of landscapes and landforms using Play-Doh and Oreo’s as a kinaesthetic learning tool. Guided by their teacher, they moulded mountains, rivers, valleys, and plains, engaging in lively discussions about the characteristics and formation processes of each feature and the earth’s surface.


Year 8

In Year 8, students embark on an exhilarating journey of discovery as they delve into the realm of ancient history, focusing specifically on the intriguing civilization of Ancient Egypt. Through the lens of archaeological investigation and inference skills, students immerse themselves in the study of various artifacts from this ancient civilization.


Year 9

In Year 9, students embark on a captivating journey into the realm of geography, delving into the intriguing topic of "Changing Places." This exploration encompasses the dynamic nature of human geography, focusing on the processes and consequences of the transformations that occur in various locations over time.

Year 10 

In Year 10 history, students embark on a compelling exploration of the theme "Movement of People” and “Making a Nation", delving into the intricacies of migration, settlement, and nation-building throughout history.


Let's dive into our studies with curiosity and enthusiasm, contributing to a dynamic learning community this term. 




Amber Schmarr

Assistant Head Teacher

HSIE Faculty