Chaplain’s Corner

In my last message at Junior Chapel, we looked at the meaning of the word opposite. It can mean across from. For example, I am sitting across from a friend at the table, I’m sitting opposite them. It also means contrary, or different, or opposed. Like I have a different thought or opinion to someone else. It can mean, the other side. Like opposite sides of a coin.
Our key bible verse this year, as we explore the topic Habits for Life is from Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.
I know that the truth of this verse is: if I focus on these things, things that are true, things that are good, things that are beautiful, that the fruit of that is pretty incredible – perfect peace. God promises to help guard our mind, our emotions and our inner most thoughts. That means God is out to protect us from harm! I love knowing that.
But it’s not always easy is it, to keep our minds right and pure or focus on the lovely, true? Sometimes (or often) we can do the opposite! We want to be lovely, but we can be very unlovely at times. We want to have good thoughts but sometimes we can feel pretty lousy.
So, if God wants us to focus on what is true, it means He wants us to seek truth and know the truth and to tell the truth.
Does speaking mistruths bring us peace or good feelings about ourselves? No. It is the opposite of focusing on things that are true and good for us.
Noble and Right
What then is the opposite of focusing on things that are noble? Noble means honourable, good. The opposite then are things that are bad? Maybe for example, showing hate towards someone? Perhaps disobeying or dishonouring parents.
The opposite of good, is evil. We see some evil in the world don’t we, where people choose not to follow the ways of God but chase after the opposite. God’s hope for us is that we would recognise what is true, good and beautiful and focus on these things.
I think it’s beautiful when someone chooses to be a peacemaker. I think it’s beautiful to think about God’s creation and all its detail. I think it’s beautiful when someone gives someone else a gift, just because, or a note of encouragement. How do we defeat evil? Do the opposite. Do good!
Sometimes we feel like we are wired to always be looking for what is wrong. We need to rewire our brains to ask more often, what is right, what is good?
Pure and Lovely
Here is a photo taken of a child in Cambodia, where over the years we have sent many of our Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. One of the issues that families in Cambodia face is access to clean and pure drinking water. Another word for pure is clean. One of the glasses is clearly clean water and the other glass is obviously dirty water. It has dirt, bacteria, impurities in it.
Given the choice, we wouldn’t choose the unclean water. It would likely make you sick. That’s why Samaritan’s Purse, along with taking shoeboxes to children in these areas, also builds water filters, that will purify the water, and make it clean again.
What is the opposite of dirty or horrible? Clean, pure, lovely. I praise God that Samaritan’s Purse, with our support can go into these communities in Cambodia and help provide good clean, pure drinking water.
So now, let’s think about our own lives. Our hearts and minds are designed to be clean and pure and to think about things that are true, good and beautiful but sometimes we muddy them, don’t we?
We sometimes may even dabble with things that may seem just a bit of fun, yet often they can have a real and noticeable spiritual heaviness to them. Then, instead of sleeping well, having good dreams and having a focus on things that bring life, we wonder why we find ourselves focussing on things that bring fear and darkness, instead of light. True?
It was Halloween recently, and I’m sure like me, you encountered a plethora of skulls and witches, evil laughs, and the like. Things that simply don’t come from the kingdom of light but rather, from the kingdom of darkness. Not coming from and influenced by Jesus, but instead they are influenced by Satan.
The word of God encourages me to focus on what is true, good and beautiful. To me, Halloween or watching scary or violent movies or TV shows, or being involved in gossip or nastiness, well that’s the opposite of what Jesus wants for us. It’s not pure and lovely, it adds impurities, a heaviness to our hearts.
So choose! To focus on whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.
And may the peace of God rest upon you and your household!
God bless,
Pastor Matt Daly
College Chaplain