What Did You Do At School?

From cute and cuddly Koalas to slithering Red-Belly Black snakes, our adventure to Healesville Sanctuary was a BLAST! This incredible time could not have happened without the support of our parent helpers. Thank you so much for giving up your time to make our excursion wonderful! Some highlights from the day included the bird show, kangaroos, platypus, Tasmanian devils, and reptiles!
On our special day, we had a mission for the groups to come up with the best descriptive adjectives and adverbs for some loved Australian animals. This was to support our literacy program in widening our vocabulary! Some exciting words we had were: Jurassic face, alert eyes, feathery, shuffling, waddling, spiky, sleek, curved claws, and nocturnal. We found it to be extremely challenging to choose just one group, so the winning teams are Group 2 and 6! The students in those teams will take home a special prize next week. Our next mission begins as we enthusiastically prepare for the Writing Celebration and our Prep Nativity Play! We look forward to seeing you then!
Year 1
1st, 2nd, 3rd – We had a fabulous time participating in the P-2 Athletics Day on Thursday 9 November. The weather was kind, and we loved the relays, bean bag throw and the jumping jacks. We have also been hard at work in the classroom. We constructed our robots for our final project for IS and developed an advertising poster to sell our robots to the consumer. We have also loved understanding that God is the true designer of all things and allows us to use our brilliant skills of imagination and creativity to bring new ideas to fruition.
Year 2
What an amazing year we had in Year 2 so far, and what a way to end it with a concert. In front of an audience of students, parents, and teachers, the 2A and 2R string ensemble wowed with our display of musical ability learned throughout the year. It's amazing how far we have come this year in our ability to work together to create harmonious music.
Year 3
We had a blast at our Year 3 Sleepover! The weather was beautiful, and we participated in a range of activities such as damper making at The Barn, cookie decorating, seeing some cool reptiles, a scavenger hunt and pot painting. The school looks very different at night because instead of students, we could see wildlife! After a big day, we tucked into bed and whispered goodnights across the classrooms. We thoroughly enjoyed camping out at school! Click here to view photos and students’ reflections.
Year 4
We have been very creative in getting ready to film our Stop Motion animations. We had to plan a storyboard, deciding what our storyline would be, who our characters were, and where our story would take place. The next step was to build a set for the story to be filmed in. We used boxes and all sorts of materials to create a background, characters and props. Then, we put our characters into action. We had to take at least 700 photos to make a minute of film! After the photos have been taken, voices are added, and then the movies are ready to show! We can’t wait to have our movie premiere!
Year 5 and Year 6
There is a buzz in the air with the final preparations to close 2023 well. An assortment of materials and items is ready to be joined together to create a recycled item to be sold at our Bizarre Bazaar market. Our students have been collaborating in teams to follow the design process in creating an original product that will appeal to our target audience, Years 3 and 4.
We have created a prototype, based on our survey data, produced the items, and designed an advertising campaign to incite excitement in the target audience. Along the way, we have used a budget, maintained it using a cash logbook, and critically evaluated our items for improvement. We are looking forward to seeing which team makes the most profit!
Furthermore, we are gearing up to present all our completed writing pieces at our Writing Celebration. We have come so far this year, learning through our VCOP writing and are excited to showcase our marvellous writing presented in various ways. We hope you all enjoy seeing what we have done at the Writing Celebration.