Inquiry-Based Learning @ EPS

Leanne Williams - Learning Specialist Engagement 

During the last few weeks, the talented and committed teachers at EPS created the 2024 Programme of Inquiry (our Big Questions). These Big Questions are highly contextualised to our school and environment, making them authentic and engaging for our students.


The Victorian Curriculum provides a 2-year Achievement Standard for subjects such as:

  • Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • Design and Technology

Each year, teachers 'audit' the curriculum to ensure that all content is covered during the 2-year period.  Based on the audit, we create our Programme of Inquiry.


Next year has a large focus on transdisciplinary learning - this will assist our students to connect new knowledge and deepen their understanding in a more authentic and meaningful way. For example, if students are inquiring into how life used to be in the past (from the History curriculum), they might be writing historical narratives (in Literacy), examining old technology (in Digital Technologies) and learning about the history of China (in Chinese). 


Students inquiring into light and sound from the Science curriculum could be also exploring shadow puppets in Performing Arts. The list goes on...


Our throughline for every Big Question next year is SUSTAINABILITY - Sustainability addresses the ongoing capacity of Earth to maintain all life. It is through this lens that all Big Questions will be viewed next year.


We can't wait!