Year Three/Four News 

Poets in the making

In both reading and writing, Year 3/4 students have been learning about poetry. In reading, students are exploring a range of poems and looking at what features the author has used to create a reaction in the reader. They have annotated how the poem makes them feel and will be comparing the features of different poems.


In writing, students have been learning about specific types of poetry. They have discovered the history and origin of different types of poem. During independent writing, they have practised writing each type of poem. At the conclusion of the unit, students will be publishing their favourite poem. It has been so exciting to see students embracing writing the different types of poems we have been learning about and being proud of their work.


Below are some examples of draft poems students have written about Haiku, Cinquain and Diamante poems. Students will also be learning about 5 Senses, Shape and Free Verse poems. We can't wait to see the finished products!