Classroom News

This is what our students have been up to this week

Sharing our Achievements in 4K

Last weekend Eloise and Erin spent the weekend at the Fish Creek Writing Festival with their family.   Eloise was recognised for her writing, which placed in the top 20 of 700 entries, and which was performed at the festival, by two actors.  To read more about Eloise's experience and to read her story, please click on the link below.

Fish Creek Children’s Festival of Stories 

2023 Fishy Stories Competition  

By Eloise  4K

Jeremy has also shared some highlights from a recent Rubiks-Cube competition, which you can read all about here:


4K Learning – It takes time, effort and dedication to be good at something… here’s what we are working on! 

What is something you have had to work really hard on to achieve? 

After Jeremy presented his show and tell about competing in speed-cubing we had a class discussion about what our own special talents or skills are. The things that we are passionate about and that have had to take a lot of practice, dedication and resilience to really master. We all grabbed our Writers Notebooks out and did some free writing to record our feelings and thoughts…

  • Charlie said playing basketball makes him ‘feel great running up and down the court’. We loved hearing his story about when he started playing with his dad when he was only 4! Caleb was also super proud of his basketball skills and the time it has taken to learn how to dribble the ball, shoot and defend. 
  • Ferdie said that he has had to work hard to practice to kick goals in football (and he’s ‘still working on my kicking’… and he even made his dad cry when he got the ball and ‘snapped it’… he felt so proud and passionate. Ferdi thinks Nick D has the perfect drop punt. Eloise is her practicing tennis skills and is aiming to work on her serve and shots (she loves the feeling when the ball hits her racquet), and Xander is super proud and feels so happy when he plays cricket. He said that he has had to work hard to earn his position on the team (even when he plays with the older kids/teams)… everyone loved how they felt when they played sport and especially when they felt proud to achieve their own goals
  • Griffin and Dylan feel passionate about their online gaming and the knowledge they have build when working on computers, as has Elke on Minecraft where she designs and lays out her perfect style of buildings and landscapes. Mitch is also passionate about learning the online game Hill Climb Racing (HC2) where he gets to work with cars and computers. They all enjoy seeing their own ideas come to life, be challenged by others and achieve goals in an AI world.  
  • Luella reflected on the practice it has taken her to cartwheel and how she ‘loves the way my body feels as it turns over… like you could do it without thinking… sort of like a meditation), as did Andie with gymnastics and especially her favourite events the un-even bars, floor and vault. She loves how it gets her muscles going and is really fun. Amalie said she has been hoola hooping for years (and it’s taken lots of practice to get so good)… ‘it’s so fun’ that she would like to do it as a job. 
  • Cleo told us about her passion and long-term dedication to aerial silks. She has competed in many events and said she has had to keep carefully refining her techniques to keep improving (she is at level 5) in order to get to her goal of level 8 (pre-professional) and then hopefully level 10! Cleo said ‘I love the thrill of fear and excitement as I drop backwards, sideways and forwards, tumbling through until my wrap catches me’. Go Cleo… and good luck when you compete in the National Rounds in Queensland shortly (our class will be thinking of you!).   
  • Riley and Hugh both shared their passion for fishing. Hugh said ‘I recently learnt how to fish and it is so hard but after a little practise and suggestions from friends and family I became able to do it’. Riley said he also loves fishing… but when writing about his passion he reflected on how ‘It has been a challenge fixing my three-wheeler trike and I want to put breaks and pedals on it and bigger thick wheels’ (and in class we all know how passionate he in about fixing cars/machines). 
  • Arthur mentioned how he has always loved tinkering with machines and anything engineering really. He loves trying to work out how things work. Sebastian also loves getting stuck into the technical details of things. ‘Right now I am working on mastering memorising the periodic table in order… because I love science! Chemistry and atomic science are my favourite’. 
  • Peter and Sunni have both been practising really hard at drawing. Peter said ‘the hard thing about drawing buildings is the shape’, while Sunni said ‘I’ve been working on drawing for years now and I have still not mastered it… my dream is to be a professional drawer’. Sunni said she has a favourite hat that helps her think about what to draw. 


We discussed how it takes a lot of time to build up our muscles (physical muscles and brain muscles) and feel confident in how our bodies work to achieve these technical abilities and passions.

Well done 4K – I love your passion, ideas and drive for life! 




On Tuesdays and Thursdays, during lunch break, students from years 3 - 6 are invited to participate in tennis.  Mount Beauty Tennis Club has kindly opened up the courts to us so student can have a friendly game.  Racquets are provided, however you can bring along your own if you wish to do so.  Any questions please try to catch up with Kathryn, who will be supervising these sessions.


Gardening with Lucy


We are after donations of childrens gardening gloves and small watering cans with a rain spout nozzle.  If you are able to donate a set to our gardening program it will get well used by our students.