Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

Thank you to everyone for your participation in this week's Parent Teacher interviews.  We really appreciate your time in this process and the effort that goes into maintaining the connection between home and school.  If, for any reason, you were unable to make an appointment, please contact your child's teacher, to make an alternate time.

Our Swimming program got off to a great start this week, with warm water and mild conditions.  Thank you to everyone for their assistance with the late change to our swimming schedule.  With cooler weather expected next week, it was great to be able to make the most of the warmer water temperatures while we can.   The program will continue tomorrow and finish up on Monday.  Many thanks again to Steph and our instuctors, Bron, Chris, Claire and Callum, for providing our students with such a positive experience.


This week, we had another visit from the Kinder Children, in preparation for school transition.   Our formal school transition program will commence next week, with sessions held on Tuesday 28/11 and 5/12, from 10am - 12pm.  A third day will be held on Tuesday 12/12 as part of the Statewide Transition Day, from 9am - 2pm.  Please note that all students in all classes will transition to their new class on this day.  


2024 Employment Opportunity - Education Support Role:  Expressions of Interest are being sought from individuals interested in joining our team, either on a casual or part-time basis, to provide 1-1 support of students in the classroom.  While experience is valuable, it is not essential.  For more information, please contact the office on 57544354 or email us at


As advised last week, next year we will be running five classes: Prep/1, 1/2, 3/4, 4/5 & 5/6. This structure will allow us to balance our class numbers and to accommodate for the social and emotional needs of students. While teachers have given extensive thought to the placement of students, families are encouraged to provide feedback via this form, or to speak to their child's teacher if they have concerns that they would like considered.  



Eligible families can now nominate for the School Student Broadband Initiative.  This  can be done through the National Referral Centre or through a list of National and Victorian organisations. Nominations are open now up until 30 April 2024. Eligible families will then be provided with a FREE connection for 12 months from the date of connection, with installation and initial set-up included in the service. For more information about the SSBI, including eligibility and how to nominate a family, please visit this website


As a school we are conscious of the many different emotions our children and families may be experiencing, in response to ongoing events around the world.  Below are some resources and services that may be of assistance. 

Helping my children after trauma: A guide for parents.