How to help your child succeed at school

Christmas Ideas for Reading and Writing  

Christmas Ideas for Reading and Writing

With the Christmas holidays fast approaching, here are some ideas to involve the whole family in reading and writing. 

  • Email friends or family members. 
  • Write messages together on your social networking sites to communicate with family and friends. 
  • Read a book series together. 
  • Read together the instructions for a new household item to find out how it works. 
  • Record family events or travel experiences in a journal or on an online blog. 
  • Write plays and perform them for family and friends. 
  • Write a film script together and make the film. 
  • Read, select and collect news articles, and create an album about, for example, a sporting team, favourite animal, or leisure activity. 
  • Solve crosswords, word puzzles, brain-teasers, and quizzes.
  • Browse libraries and bookshops together. Search for cheap books in charity stores and at garage sales. 
  • Prepare for an outing together, including reading public transport timetables, maps, and information brochures.