Principal's Report

Senka King 


I was extremely proud last week to see 5 of our students receive scholarships for Victoria University Secondary College. Apparently, this was the largest number of scholarships awarded to one primary school! How fantastic! Four of these were academic scholarships and one was a sports scholarship. 

  • Academic scholarships were awarded to: Eve, Maddie, Avery and Christopher.
  • The Sporting scholarship was awarded to Ariana.

 Congratulations to you all and we wish you all the best at Secondary School.


Mr. Camilleri was very disappointed that he missed the school concert, but it was for a very good reason, he was at the hospital welcoming his baby. Congratulations to Mr. Camilleri and his wife on the safe arrival of little Hazel. The family are doing well, and we look forward to catching up with Mr. Camilleri when he returns.


Thank you to all the families who attended the concert on Friday. The students had so much fun, and all the performances were very upbeat and infused with energy. 


A huge thank you to Miss. Davies and Ms. Reid who stepped in and took over the coordination of the concert and ensured that it was a great success. Thank you also to all the staff who supported the students in their performances. Again, this year, we have some very talented performers, and it was clear that they enjoyed themselves. Well done everyone!



Our final assembly is this Friday starting at 2:30pm. Weather permitting, it will be outside. We have some awards to hand out and some announcements to make regarding student leaderships. The school Christmas Raffle will also be drawn.  Parents/Guardians are welcome to attend. Side gates will be opened at 2:20pm.


Last Day – Wednesday the 20th of December 2023 

On Wednesday at 1:15pm we will have our traditional “walk of honour” for our Year 6 students as they leave our school for the last time. Everyone is welcome to attend. 


Please remember all students finish at 1:30pm on Wednesday.


Step up

It was great to hear that our Year 6 students had a terrific day on Orientation Day at their secondary schools. We wish them all the best. Tonight, we will formally celebrate the Year 6 cohort at their graduation night.


All students will get to meet their teachers and their classmates on Tuesday morning when we have our ‘step up’ session. Please look out for a note that tells you their teacher, grade and room for 2024.


Breakfast club

Breakfast Club will end this Friday, so there will be no Breakfast Club next week.

Thank you to Ms Rita, Ms Lisa and all the staff who have assisted during the year.


End of Year

As always, the end of one year brings various changes and although teachers will be going to different year levels and roles, we are not saying goodbye to anyone. 


Again, this year I would like to say a big thank you to all the staff at Deer Park West Primary School, who have collaborated and supported all students with such passion and skill. Your hard work and dedication is much appreciated. 


Thank you also to all the families who continue to work with us to ensure that our students have the best educational experiences. We love working with you and look forward to another fantastic year during which we will have an opportunity to reflect on our achievements over the past 4 years and set goals for our next 4 years through our school review. 


First day of school for Year 1 – 6 is Tuesday the 30th of January 2024. Foundation students have their interviews during this week, and they start on Monday the 5th of February.


In the meantime, have a safe and happy holiday. See you next year.


Kind regards,


Senka King
