School News

Physical Education

Quik Stiks Lacrosse


During PE lessons, Grade 3/4/ 5/6 this term have been completing a Quik Stiks Lacrosse program. 

Quick Stiks  is a free flowing form of lacrosse for kids (aged 5-12) to start learning the game. It promotes the three basic skills of the sport— scooping, catching and throwing—without the more difficult technicalities. This way, students enjoy the sessions and more easily attain the game’s objectives. From this starting point, kids can move onto team play, tactics and game rules. 

Through sporting school funding we were able to provide a coach for four week program and then I continued the program with the classes. 

Our coach was Mitch Baker, an Australian Lacrosse player who plays for Australia and hopefully will compete in the 2024 Summer Olympics. 

The students enjoyed Mitch’s coaching and expertise especially when he demonstrated throwing the lacrosse ball from his stick across the basketball courts from the sideline, over the trees and landing near the high school oval! We all thoroughly enjoyed the 4 week program with Mitch. 

If students want to continue with this sport progressing to Lacrosse, the closest lacrosse Team is in Surrey Park Lacrosse Club.  If interested their email is

Check out the photos from the classes. 

Bonny Chisholm

PE Specialist.



Foundation 2024 Transition

This week our 2024 Foundation students spent time with the Year 4s who will be partnered with them as part of our Buddy Program. They read 'Where is the Green Sheep?' by Mem Fox. Students spent time with the support of the Buddy Cohort to make their own sheep and then explored our school looking for the green sheep. So much excitement and fun has by all.


2nd Hand Uniform Sales

We now have a cupboard set up at the office with 2nd Hand Uniforms for sale. These are

 available anytime between 9.00am - 4.00pm.

The cupboard is continually being restocked thanks to the generous donations of 2nd hand uniforms.

Logoed items (eg: Jackets, polo shirts, dresses, bags, sun hats) are $5 each. 

Any non logoed items, including pants, shorts, skorts are a gold coin donation.

There are also some brand new beanies for $20.

If you are in need of some uniform please come and see the staff at the office.