Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:
Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.
Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.
PA | Audrey Bottrell | Her detail in her recent writing recount about her new car! | Cora Wood |
PB | Jesse Catania | For working hard towards his writing goal | Elizabeth Gilmore |
PC | Eli Keam | For working hard on his goal in writing | Jaxon Smith |
1A | Christian Michie | For working hard on his handwriting and showing excellent improvement | Winter Watson |
1B | Jonny Starcic | For writing an excellent advertisement | Oliver McIntyre |
1C | Kade Collins | For working hard on all areas of his learning | Mia Bereshnyj |
2A | Miles Coleman | For participating in our daily morning circle and interacting with others | Hunter Elliss |
2B | Angus Graham | For challenging himself across all areas of learning consistently | Summer Jones |
2C | William Ogle | For constantly showing persistence and acting on feedback to improve learning | Alice Kowalczyk |
3/4A | Ella Murphy | For her outstanding effort across all areas of the curriculum | Max Smith |
3B | Ella Scott | For working extremely hard in all aspects of her learning and building on her understanding of simplifying fractions | Hudson Isherwood |
3C | Scarlett Mamalis | For showing a huge improvement with her handwriting | Zara Martin-Khan |
4B | Savannah Tan | For her strong language choices in her persuasive writing piece | Bella Bereshnyj |
4C | Eadie Letcher | For demonstrating a Growth Mindset whilst completing her maths tasks | Alexis Knight |
5A | Oakley Morgan | For amazing progress with his understanding of fractions and decimals | Michael Moloney |
5B | Cleo Hartley | For writing a very detailed and engaging times narrative called ‘The Magic Headphones’ | Levi Danvers |
5C | Amelia James | For a huge improvement on her verbal expression when reading and continuing on building on her comprehension | Lachlan Brown |
5/6D | Ava Quarrell | For achieving outstanding results in her Reading testing | Summer Pott |
6B | Eva Mitchell | For being a persistent learner and taking on challenges throughout all of her assessments | Ruby Gilmore |
6C | Max Harvie | For putting his best efforts into all of his assessments | Cadence Deeble |