In the classroom

Year 8 Art accomplishments
This term Year 8 Art students completed some great Insect drawings showing some wonderful use of patterns and precise drawing skills. The artworks are both intricate and creatively juxtaposed- congratulations to all of these students for the quality of their work.
Mr J. Saker
Year 9 English update
Throughout the school terms of 2023, the Year 9 English group has been working within different fields of components that cover the major outlining theme, that being Identity.
Zines are an expressive form of media, presented in a comic/book-like form, that reveals an author’s inner intentions, interests, or the position on a spectrum of a topic. This can be structured by whatever fits one’s perspective, meaning there are little to no rules to what makes a Zine a Zine, and the best part is, it can be about Anything!
Throughout the mid-term of Term 4, all Year 9 students have gone through the process of creating their own individual Zine, either being a physically created Zine, or a digitally printed one. The progression from investigating the aspects of Zines, to giving a presentation of their Zine to the class has been evident in student’s coursework, and 3 Final SAC copies of their personal Zine.
Overall, this fulfilling and significant task within Year 9 English, has enlightened both students and teachers’ creativity and innovation, and also has brough attention to the uprising culture of Zines.
In acknowledgement of the Year 9 English Teacher Mrs. Andrea Santi, supporting Staff and Students, thank you for your dedication and effort this year, we hope to see you all next year as we step into Senior Year 10.
George Adamopoulos, 9B
Top textiles!
Students in Year 9 achieved amazing success in their textiles projects this year!
From plush animals to pajamas, students showcased skill and creativity in their finished products!