
Concerts to finish the year and celebrate


As we approach the end of the year our students are presenting a number of concerts to celebrate their learning, the completion of another year of music and the oncoming Christmas and holiday season.  We look forward to sharing our learning through music with you.  What a pleasure it is, to apply ourselves to a study that produces such a wonderful product.  

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think of music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. I get most joy in life out of music.”

Albert Einstein


Ongoing music enrolments


Information has been communicated via email regarding continuous enrolment for instrumental music lessons and any change should be communicated to the music office via email below.  Any students who would like to commence lessons in 2024 should contact the music office.



Upcoming Music Events


Multi Instrumental Soiree       Tuesday November 28        4pm    Simons Auditorium

AMEB Singing Examinations Wednesday November 29

Junior Campus Speech Day   Friday December 1           10 am    Simons Auditorium

College Christmas Service     Tuesday December 5           7pm   St Andrews Church


Mr Benjamin Hiscock                          

Director of Music


Mrs Nichole Atchison                          

Music Administrator