Junior Campus

- Mr Stephen Nelson


Our 2023 Junior School Speech Day will be held at 10.00 am next Friday, 1 December in the Simons Auditorium at the Senior Campus.  As this is a formal occasion, Prep to Year 6 students are asked to be dressed accordingly.  Boys will wear shorts, a shirt and tie with blazer.  Girls will wear their summer dress and blazer. All students will take to the stage and perform in a range of choirs. There will also be several performances from talented individuals and string groups. I look forward to seeing parents and grandparents at this celebration of the year we have had.


Well done to the Year 6 class and Mrs Robertson on their final Junior School Class Assembly. Their interpretation of ‘Are You Paying Attention’ was certainly entertaining. This was our final Tuesday Assembly for 2024. We will have a special farewell to our Year 6 students on the final afternoon of term, Wednesday, 6 December, at around 2.30 pm in the Refectory at Myrniong. 


Congratulations to the following students who were awarded placings in this year’s APSMO (Australasian Problem-Solving Mathematical Olympiad) competitions. Special mention to Year 6 student Andrew Sun, whose score saw him finish in the top 10% of students across Australasia: a fabulous effort. 


Maths Olympiad (Year 6)

1st Andrew Sun

2nd Reian Patel

3rd Arshita Woosantia


Maths Games (Year 5 and 4)

1st Imogen Johns

2nd Poppy Edgar

Equal 3rd Hugo Toma and Finn Hawthorne


Maths Explorer (Year 3)

Equal 1st Hazel Johns and Maggie Wallis

2nd Sammie Price

3rd Maelys Haynes


This year, the College will again join other schools and community groups in the St Mary’s Street Parade. All ELC to Year 6 students and parents are invited to join us on Friday, 1 December.  Dress in Christmas/Nativity themed clothes and parade behind the College banner.  Marchers are asked to be at the starting point, the corner of Gray and Kennedy Streets, at 5.45 pm for a 6.00 pm start.  College will be 16th in the parade’s starting order. Students are to be collected by parents outside the Hamilton PAC. 


Well done to the Year 1 and Year 2 students and staff on a hugely successful camp to Port Fairy.  The students were wonderful ambassadors for the College.  Many were on their first overnight school camp, but you could not tell. They enjoyed their time at the Volcano Centre in Penshurst, the history tour of Port Fairy and beachcombing on several beaches.  We stayed in the lodge at the Southcombe Caravan Park, and enjoyed outdoor/indoor games, a barbeque dinner and a movie.  Thanks to Mrs. Callinan, Miss Brabham, Mrs Alexander and Mrs. Kelvy for their planning, encouragement and support of the students over the two days.