Visual Arts

The 5/6 cohort have done a quick introduction to perspective drawing.
We have started with one point perspective and completed line drawings using the vanishing point and a series of sideways S shapes.
Here are some of the results.
The 3/4 students have completed a few more abstract ‘process’ type artworks.
In the first series, students painted papers before cutting out organic type shapes.
They then arranged these shapes in a way that was pleasing to them before the option of adding pattern details was introduced.
In the second series, students were encouraged to cut out non-geometric shapes and arrange them in the middle of their page.
A continuous line was then drawn around the group of shapes, creating contours like on a topographic map.
Some students were able to also ‘see’ something in their drawings.
Students in 1/2 revisited some straw printings completed several weeks ago.
They turned their pages this way and that, looking for items, a little bit like gazing into the sky and seeing a cloud that looks like a dragon or a chair.
Students then outlined these pictures, adding small details like eyes of feathers if they liked.
Students took these works home, but here is an image of the activity
Students in Foundation have spent two weeks on their Edward the Emu artwork.
After viewing the picture story book, students used cardboard offcuts to drag paint around to look like the furry face and neck of Edward, before cutting this out and adding eyes and a beak.