Work Experience 

Chelsea McCallum & Abby Mulquiny 

Taylah Boyle's third week of Work Experience at Victoria Police, Melbourne:

Monday 4th - 8th of December.


From Taylah: 

I was lucky enough to have a extra week of work experience in Melbourne at Victoria Police Recruitment Services at head office in Spencer street. 


Day 1: I entered the Prosecutions Centre and Ryan (my Supervisor) gave a presentation on what the roles of a Prosecutions Officer involved.  We then made our way to the Magistrates Court to sit in two court cases which was very interesting!


Day 2:  We went to Williams Town Water Police Division where I was shown around the building and saw lots of interesting things, including a big police boat! 


Day 3:  I  visited the Drug and Alcohol section. The Senior Constable showed me the Booze Buses and all the police cars. I then went down to the basement of the police department to see the bomb squad and how they use the equipment and the purpose of them. 


Day 4:   I got driven out to the airport to see the Mounted Police area and how the horses were trained. Later on in the day I got to see the Canine Unit with all the dogs and what different types of jobs they had. 


Day 5:  I went into a Police Station and had a look around at the watch house and the jail cells. After that we made our way to the new museum, where we had a look at the police history. 


I was extremely lucky to have this opportunity and I’m very grateful for Abby and Chelsea’s help for getting this Work Placement