Student Wellbeing 

Jess McGurk and Tasha Roberts

We would like to wish all of our students & their families a Merry Christmas & a safe, happy & restful break. Tash, Tom & I look forward to working with you all again in 2024!


Personally, I would like to extend my thanks to Tasha (Wellbeing Support) & Tom (Chaplain) for their work this year. I would also like to acknowledge the staff for their continued support of our students. This year is the first time Charlton College has been fortunate enough to have a team of staff dedicated to student wellbeing, enabling the wellbeing of all staff and students at the College to be our highest priority. A lot of the work conducted in the wellbeing space is done discretely & confidentially & therefore goes unnoticed. Despite this, it is greatly appreciated!


Keeping a check on headlice during the break

Over the holiday period, our students come into contact with many different people. I would therefore encourage families to keep a check on headlice. Headlice checks will be conducted in Term 1, as per our Headlice Policy, but in the meantime, I would encourage all families to read the attached information ‘Treating and controlling headlice’- a useful document produced by the Department of Health. This will support a smoother & more stress-free transition back to school.


Uniform items

Families may need to replace uniform items in preparation for the new school year. The 2nd Hand Uniform Shop will be open prior to the commencement of Term 1 to enable families to get organised before school. Please keep an eye on compass in late January for dates and times available for families to come and organise uniforms. 

Wellbeing support during the school holidays

The Department has worked with headspace to make sure mental health & wellbeing support is available for secondary school students over the school holidays. Attached to the newsletter is a fact sheet produced by headspace to support families- supporting your young person during the school holidays’. 


Also attached to the newsletter is a Calendar of Connection produced by R U Ok? Organisation. The calendar provides a range of connection ideas to help you reach out and lend support to all members of our community, no matter what age. You don’t have to take any particular action on the exact date allocated, rather use the calendar as a thoughts starter for checking in with families and friends across the festive season.