Student Awards

Responsible, Resilient, Respectful
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep G | Oskar | Resilient | Oskar has shown an amazing level of resilience with his writing these past few weeks. He has continually tried his hardest when approaching some of the more challenging aspects of this area of his learning and has made wonderful progress with his sentences, punctuation and handwriting. Way to go, Oskar. |
Prep V | Clara | Responsible | Clara has shown that she is a responsible learner in her maths this week. When learning to identify different Australian coins, she persevered through combining different coins to make a specific amount even when she found it challenging. Keep up the hard work Clara! |
Junior A | Ari K | Resilient | For your outstanding resilience when working on your free choice persuasive writing task. You did such a great job working through the writing process to plan and write a text to convince your family to get a dog. You persevered when deciding on your three convincing reasons and made a fantastic Google Slides presentation to share with your classmates. Well done Ari! |
Junior G | Sophie | Responsible | Sophie is a fantastic example of what it means to be a responsible learner. She worked diligently to create her persuasive text and excelled in creating a dynamic powerpoint to convince her parents to buy a puppy. Sophie was a proactive member of the class and without being prompted once she had finished her work she checked in and helped her peers. We are so lucky to have you in Junior G. Keep it up, Sophie :) |
Middle M | Zara H | Responsible | Zara has shown outstanding responsibility as a learner, consistently making positive choices to support her learning. This week, her full engagement in mindfulness sessions has helped her regulate herself, ensuring she maintains a calm, productive, and focused mindset, ready for each lesson. Well done, Zara! |
Middle T | Solyana | Respectful | Solyana has shown kindness and respect in the way she interacts with others. It has been wonderful to see her warmly welcome new friends to the school. Well done Solyana and keep up the great work! |
Middle J | Iliana | Resilient | I have been so impressed to see you working so hard across all your subjects this term. You keep going even when things get challenging and have been demonstrating wonderful resilience to make sure your work is the best it can be, especially when exploring living things in our inquiry unit this term. I loved your collaborative research on starfish! Well done Iliana and keep up the great work! |
Senior B | Sienna | Resilient | For your resilience in navigating a period of change. Despite all of the changes that are occurring at the moment, you always come to school with a big smile and a positive attitude. I am so proud of your strength and adaptability. Good luck with your move back to Canada, Sienna. We will all miss you! |
Senior O | Amelia | Responsible | For demonstrating outstanding responsibility and dedication in her inquiry lessons this week. Despite being away for Lego League, she took full ownership of her learning, showing great care and commitment to catch up on her inquiry project on animal adaptations. She worked through her project checklist carefully, ensuring every task was completed with thoroughness and pride. Well done, Amelia! |
Visual Arts | Kyrin | Respectful | Kyrin is always a very respectful member of our Art class. He listens carefully to all our class instructions, adds comments to further our understanding of the concept and works independently on all activities presented to him. Keep up the fabulous attitude Kyrin. . |
Performing Arts | Joshua | Respectful | For the considered and respectful way you approach both Performing Arts and SEL lessons. I am continually impressed by your leadership and reflective practice as shown through your thoughtful and honest written reflections and contributions to class discussions. Keep up the excellent work, Josh! |
Determined, Self-aware, Proactive, Curious, Creative, Collaborative
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep G | Eloise | Determined | Eloise has shown herself to be a fantastic determined learner this week with her awesome spelling skills. She has aced her staged 4+ and 5 words and continues to look for ways to extend upon her letter-sound knowledge in class. Great job, Eloise. |
Prep V | Leo | Determined | Leo has shown determination and enthusiasm when it comes to our Literacy Rotations this term. Your excitement towards learning new sounds has helped you transfer your new knowledge into your reading and writing. Keep up the hard work Leo! |
Junior A | Ash | Pro-active | For your amazing approach to writing this term! Ash you worked so incredibly hard to focus on your spelling choices and sentence structure when creating a new adventure for the story of The Gingerbread Man. You’ve grown in confidence to take risks and attempt challenging tasks independently and you should be so proud of all of your hard work this year! Well done Ash, keep up the incredible effort! |
Junior G | Xavier | Determined | Xavier has shown great determination with his reading and writing this semester. He worked independently to create a persuasive piece about why Sonic should be allowed all of the lollies. It was so amazing to see him confidently re-read his work to his peers and he even went back to bump up his work by adding an adjective. Keep up the amazing work, Xavier!
Middle M | Edie | Collaborative | Edie has demonstrated fantastic responsibility and collaboration this week, using flexible seating wisely and working productively during a paired writing activity. She and her partner created quick-write response by alternating sentences, showcasing teamwork and creativity. Great job, Edie! |
Middle T | Pasqualina | Determined | Pasqualina has shown such determination and independence in the way in which she has carefully researched and written her information report about Grey Wolves. It is wonderful to see her making some terrific choices as a writer and constantly practising her skills. Keep up the fantastic work! |
Middle J | Rocco | Proactive | For the excellent proactiveness and focus you have shown when learning about probability. You conducted your experiments with a great attention to detail and have been able to state why some events may be more likely than others. I have been so impressed by your work ethic. Well done Rocco! |
Senior O | Jacob | Creative | Congratulations, Jacob, on being a creative learner! You have shown great enthusiasm and originality during our Inquiry unit, using a range of materials to design an innovative 3-D animal enclosure. Your thoughtful approach and unique thinking have truly stood out. Well done, Jacob! |
Visual Arts | Josh | Collaborative | Congratulations Josh- you always show a wonderful team spirit in every Art class. You are mindful of all of your peers (and your Art teacher) and go out of your way to ensure everyone has an opportunity to participate fully. You are a fabulous role model. |
Digital Technologies | Prep V | Collaborative | Smoothly and collaboratively working with and using the school iPads to begin work on coding on the website. You collaborated well with each other, treated others respectfully and showed great patience and determination if and when there were glitches or problems with the devices. Well done Prep V !! |