Principal's Report

Term 4 news
The first few weeks of term 4 have been full of engaging events that have held a special significance for our Year 12 students as they conclude their secondary schooling, for our Scoresby Secondary College alumni during the 50th year celebrations, for our Children’s University participants from Years 7 to 10 who will graduate next week, and for our Year 10 students who led fundraisers to generate awareness of mental health and raise donations for community organisations.
Our Year 12 Final Assembly was a memorable occasion, marked by a mix of emotions as students and staff gathered to honour the successful journey of the class of 2024 as they prepared to close the chapter on 13 years of formal education.
Congratulations to our Year 12 students for their maturity and respectful manner in the way they celebrated their final days of secondary schooling.
Thank you to Ms Shiv Sandhu and Ms Michelle Deboer for their support of our Year 12 students throughout this year and during important celebrations such as the final assembly and a very well attended and successful valedictory dinner.
Their guidance, along that of the student’s teachers and families, has been instrumental in helping students navigate these last moments of secondary education with confidence, as they approached their final exams.
Last Thursday, I had the privilege of celebrating our JET@Scoresby graduates who challenged themselves with higher order thinking and team tasks over the past 6 weeks. It was wonderful to see students experience a range of activities ranging from engineering challenges to African drumming.
Congratulations to Jethro Brown who excelled throughout the program. Thank you to Mr Patrick Dempsey and Ms Shanza Sivanesan for preparing and delivering these exciting sessions for students in grades 4 and 5 from our neighbouring primary schools.
On Sunday I had the privilege of celebrating Scoresby Secondary College’s 50 years of service to the Scoresby and surrounding communities, with hundreds of past and present students, staff, and community members in attendance. It was wonderful to see people reminiscing over their positive experiences across the past 5 decades.
Congratulations and thankyou to the many staff who worked tirelessly to ensure that the day was a success, in particular, Mrs Evie Popas, Mrs Michele Rogers, Mrs Vicky Kamfonas and Mr John Waterhouse, an inaugural member of staff and keen Alumni.
As Year 10, 11 and 12 exams draw to a close, staff are preparing to deliver our Launch Program to provide our 2025 VCE students with an overview of their areas of study and learning timelines for each subject. The program will commence on Monday 25 November and concludes on Tuesday 3 December, where students will have the opportunity to meet their fellow classmates and commence their 2025 studies.
I will have the privilege of supporting and congratulating our Children’s University graduates at their graduation ceremony to be held at the Hawthorn university campus on Monday 25 November. Students from across Years 7-10 have participated in this program and are to be commended for the manner in which they approached these extension challenges.
On Friday, our students and staff will have the opportunity to hear from our student leadership candidates, so that they can have a voice in the selection of leaders within the student body.
I congratulate all the candidates for putting themselves forward and wish them all the best as they present their proposals.
Mr Ayman Youssef
Acting Principal