Child Safety /
Pastoral Wellbeing
Child Safety /
Pastoral Wellbeing
This week’s whole school focus is on our masses. Teachers will be explicitly teaching the routine to children on the expected behaviours when children are at Mass. Teachers will follow the principles of PBIS (Positive Behaviours Interventions & Supports) by:
Teach - Teach the appropriate skills and behaviours
Model - Model to students the appropriate skills and behaviours
Practice - Practice by acting out role plays
Acknowledge - Teachers will acknowledge students when they demonstrate the behaviours by positive reinforcement
Correct - By extra social skill instruction where needed.
Please discuss this routine with your child/ren emphasising how we act when we borrow sports equipment.
With the school holidays coming up here are some resources for ESafety, including how to limit screen time and cyber safety tips. ESafety have fantastic resources around navigating this very tricky issue for parents and kids.
ESafety Commissioner website for parents