Junior School News

WOW, we can not believe that our 2024 school year has almost come to an end. Our fantastic prep students have almost finished their very first year of primary school and our Year 1 and 2 students are ready to move up to their next grade!
Thank you so much to each of our fantastic parents and guardians for the ongoing support you have given to our school this year. We could not have got through this year without all of your support.
We wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas with your wonderful families and look forward to spending the last few days of the term together.
Reminders for the remainder of the term:
- Wednesday 11 December: 2025 Orientation- Students meet their new teacher and class
- Wednesday 11 December: Carols! 6pm
- Friday 13 December: Colour Run, Assembly and reports are sent home
- Tuesday 17 December: Final Assembly 12:30 and last day of school for 2024!
Parent - Teacher Communication
1/2 R- irachele@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
1/2 D- doconhurir@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
1/2 MC- fclifford@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au(Monday & Tuesday) gmontalto@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au(Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)
Prep J- bjackson@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au