From the Principal

Tomorrow I have the great opportunity to attend our Year 6 Fun Day at Time Zone Eastland. We have a great day we have in store, I am sure it will be heaps of fun. The next few weeks will be emotional for many as we begin our festivities for the close of the 2024 school year. On Friday after school the Year 2's are holding their annual Fun Night. Ms Mcloughlin has lots of fun things lined up and I am sure it will be a wonderful evening for all involved. Year 2 families, please see Operoo for more details.
The above photo will be my view for the next 2 weeks. I am looking forward to the break with family. I am not looking forward to the drive to the Gold Coast with 3 kids so much, but I am sure it will be an experience. I look forward to seeing everyone on my return on the 12th of December.
School Closure Days:
Please note the school will be closed on Monday 2nd of December and Tuesday 3rd of December as the staff engage in planning and undertake some professional learning.
Return to school in 2025:
The students will return to school on Wednesday 29th of January, 2025. There will be no specialist subjects taught in the first week.
New marketing image:
How cool is our new marketing image for 2025?
You will see this around the local community in coming weeks/months as we prepare for Open Days in 2025. I will try and get some billboards organised to go up in January before school comes back. I will show you the final product when they are completed.
It is a very busy time of year as we finalise staffing for 2025. I am excited to announce the employment of Sarah Thompson who will join STM one day per week in 2025. Sarah will work in Year 5/6 on Tuesday's as Mrs Saville will focus on Years 4/5 and her numeracy role. Sarah is a very experienced educator and I had the pleasure of working with her for many years at St Thomas the Apostle in Cranbourne East.
Mrs Wendy Clair will continue in her role as a Learning Support Officer in the middle years in a full time role. Wendy has been a great addition to our team and we are all delighted she is sticking around.
Mrs Allison Munro will also be joining us in 2025, Allison has been on LSO placement at STM in 2024 and has created wonderful relationships with students and staff. Allison has a deep connection to STM and we are thrilled that she has taken up our offer to join the team.
We are also very excited to welcome Krunal Shah to our school. Krunal will be the School councillor on Monday's in 2025. Krunal is currently undertaking his placement in a school setting in order to receive his full Phycologist accreditation. He will be with us for the the year and I for one am very welcoming of this service.
As mentioned in the newsletter a few weeks ago Mrs Jackie Glen is making a change at the end of the year and moving to Upwey Primary School. Miss Emily Wicks who has worked as an LSO for the previous two years is also taking up a Teaching Position in a Secondary School as moves towards the conclusion of her teaching degree. We wish both of these wonderful people nothing but success in the future and thank them for the time they spent at STM
Mental Health in Primary School:
I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate Marcia Janky and Jess Jones for being appointed our Mental Health in Primary School officers for 2025. They will also help liaise with families around our 2025 School Councilor Program.
Flexible Uniform:
In 2025, we will be adopting a "Flexible Uniform", there will be more information and details provided in newsletters when I return from Long Service Leave. Please note, the uniform will NOT be changing.
Family Holidays:
If you are planning on going on a family holiday of more than a few days, it is MACS policy for a written request to be provided to the Principal (in this case me). We have a large number of families who are heading on holidays early, please make sure you pass an email on to myself and the classroom teacher.
Sovereign Hill Camp 2025:
Some early information for our 2025 Year 3 and 4 families around camp in March of 2025. I have attached the package that the students will be engaging in. There will be permission slips and a Parent Information evening in mid February of 2025.
Library in 2025:
In 2025 our School Library will be open on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon's from 3:10pm-3:30pm. This year we have noticed less students borrowing and this is because the library is open at lunchtimes. The after-school time frame will mean families can come in together either of these days and borrow/return books as often as they like. The library will be staffed during this time.
St Vincent de Paul Fundraiser:
On Friday, December 6th, after lunch, we will be hosting a fun food fight at school. This will include water fight-style activities using foam food. To take part in this event, we would appreciate it if you could contribute food items from the attachment below. These items will be donated to St Vincent de Paul, a Catholic organisation that provides support to families in our local community. You can start sending in your donations anytime leading up to the event. We hope you will help make a difference and bring joy to families this Christmas.
Thank you for your support
Archie, Fraser, and Olivia
Social Justice Leaders
Passing on Ceremony:
The Passing on Ceremony is a very important tradition at our school. It is where our current 2024 school leaders "Pass on" the responsibility of school leadership to our 2025 school leaders. Families of our Year 5 families are encouraged to join the school staff and students on Wednesday, December 11th at 2pm in the Parish Church.
2025 Student Leadership roles will also be announced at this ceremony.
Thank you and God bless
Declan McDermott
Wominjeka Welcome!
At St Thomas More we acknowledge the Wurrundjeri people of the Kulin nation who are the traditional carers of this land where we grow and learn,
We touch the ground to remember the elders of Wurundjeri people who walked these lands before us and also those who care for it now,
We wriggle our fingers to remember that everything in nature, from the roots of the trees to the tips of the leaves, is very important to all of us.
We touch our hearts to show that I love this land and want to help look after it.
We hold up our hand to remember that we need to work together so our land will continue to flourish for generations to come.