General Information & Reminders

Your child will receive a library bag soon with educational literature for you to read. Please keep the literature and return the empty bag to school as soon as possible with your child’s name on it because we will be using it for our library sessions. Check your child's timetable on Compass for their library day.
Art smocks and Red Book Bags need to be brought to school as soon as possible.
The ‘Trivical Dancing’ program will commence in Week 4 and will continue for 6 weeks. It is a really fun 50 minute session of dance and movement held in the hall. It is advisable for children to wear comfortable shoes like runners and for the girls to wear bicycle shorts under their school dress. There will be a parent open session to celebrate the childrens’ achievements at the end of term. You will be notified of this closer to the date.
Keep an eye out for continual information via Compass as the term and year progresses.