
Reading   I   Writing   I   Speaking & Listening

Literacy learning in Term 1 will focus on phonics. This phonological understanding will be the foundation of children’s literacy development and they will enjoy a range of hands-on, multi-sensory activities to support their learning. Children will also develop their reading and writing strategies by using their letter and sound knowledge to workout unknown words and begin writing simple recounts of their experiences and retelling familiar stories.


Numeracy assessments have begun and are going well. Literacy and Numeracy assessments will continue on Wednesdays for the first 6 weeks of Term 1. There will be no school for the Foundation students on these Wednesdays. 


Students will have the opportunity to utilise the Nessy Reading & Spelling Platform. Nessy is an online program developed by a team specialist teachers and psychologists. Up to 100 Independent learning lessons spread over 10 islands. Each island consists of a series of lessons composed of strategy videos, reinforced with games and worksheets, which teach fundamental reading and spelling skills. Lessons emphasise phonemic awareness, phonics, blending, sight words, fluency, spelling, vocabulary and comprehension. Students will have access to this platform at school and at home. Please have a look at www.nessy.com if you would like to find out more about the program. Logins will be sent home in the coming weeks.