What's Happening in the Middle School

Year 3

What’s Happening in Year 3 in Weeks 5 and 6 


  • We will be continuing to look at the Zones of Regulation. 
  • We will be developing our problem-solving strategies and looking at how to implement “Stop, Opt, Go”. 


  • We will be continuing to read our novel Matilda.   
  • We are going to begin to look at persuasive writing features. 
  • In UFLI, we will be looking at the code ‘nk’ and reviewing ‘ng’ in Week 5.  
  • Week 6, we will be reviewing silent ‘-e’ in addition to closed and open syllables. 
  • We will also be practicing for NAPLAN Language Conventions (spelling, grammar & punctuation). 


  • In Maths, we are going to be learning about addition and subtraction using the partitioning method.  
  • We will also begin to look at Time, focusing on analogue to digital clocks, duration of time and telling the time to 5-minute intervals.  

Knowledge Unit 

  • In our unit on Social Health, we will begin to look at diversity.  
  • We will look at our own culture and diversity within our families and share this with our classmates. 


  • NAPLAN:  12th March – 26th March  
  • Please can we ensure children bring their Take Home book and diary to school, in a protective bag every day. 
  • Students should be aiming to read 5 times a week and recording in their diary.  


Discussion points at home 

What time will it be in 5 minutes? 

Can you share something you learnt about one of your classmates' family? 

What happened in Matilda this week? 


Year 4

What’s Happening in Year 4 in Weeks 5 & 6 


The Year 4 students are currently enjoying participating in the swimming program, with another week to go. Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to accompany us on the bus, to and from the new venue. We would be unable to run these programs without your support. It was also wonderful seeing so many families having a great time at the school ‘Family Fun Night’ recently. The students loved it!



In the coming weeks, students will be introduced to a podcast called ‘Grow Your Mind’. Focusing on a growth mindset, classes will work their way through the various episodes and discuss skills and tools they can develop to assist their self-esteem development.



During Literacy sessions, students will be learning to understand the difference between the main idea and a theme within a written piece. They will also be learning how to develop an opinion that includes a supportive argument, when writing about their own thoughts and ideas.



Maths sessions will be focusing on using addition and subtraction vertically. Students will be taught a variety of strategies to use when completing these equations. Worded problems will also be included throughout the week.


Knowledge Unit 

Our Knowledge Unit in Term 1 will be a study in Health. Over the coming weeks, classes will be discussing developing a positive mindset when tackling new experiences. We will also be discussing how different emotions impact our behaviours, both positively and negatively.



The Year 4 students are expected to read every night and record their progress in their personal diaries. It is the responsibility of the student to bring their diary to school every day and take it home each night to log their reading. Classroom teachers will be checking and signing these diaries regularly to monitor student reading habits. The student diary will also be used to highlight important dates and reminders. 




This week we will be swimming every day. On Thursday students will take part in a water safety day and therefore will need to wear their bathers and bring a T-shirt and shorts that can go in the water. A friendly reminder swimming caps are required in the pool.



Camp is just around the corner! There are still some families who are yet to pay and/or consent for camp on Compass. If your child has any conditions such as sleep walking or bed wetting that you may have forgotten to put on their form, please advise your child’s classroom teacher as soon as possible.


Microsoft Teams: 

As part of the Microsoft Teams platform students have the ability to respond to a post from their teacher. Unfortunately some students are using this feature outside of school hours for non-school related content and as more of a chat function. We are very lucky to have the ability for teachers to share information and students to genuinely ask school related questions. We are asking all parents to talk to their child about the appropriate use of Teams and to also monitor when they are on their device (as some have been posting very late at night or early in the morning). When at home, we are encouraging students to ask their parents first if they have a question, as you will most likely know the answer, rather than asking on Teams first. They can also check their diaries for upcoming dates. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated.


Important Year 4 Dates

Year 4 Swimming continues Monday 24th of March to Friday 28th March

Year 4 Camp: Wednesday 12th March to Friday 14th March