School News 

Update from Mrs McManus in Environmental Science

Our younger students in Prep and Year 1 have been having lots of fun learning about worms and how they help us in the garden, learning what they like to eat and doing worm dances, and  they are very excited to be making sock worm puppets next week.

We would love it if you are able to donate a pair of old/worn/used but clean socks for this activity, which your child could bring to the Environmental Science room where there is a tub labelled "Socks".


Last Tuesday, our Environmental Science leaders attended a Ceres Student Leadership Conference. They learnt about our environment and sustainable practices, and planned a future event for our school. Jake, Edie and Ava impressed conference coordinators and our school ranked first in the audit activity assessing school sustainable practices. Great outcome!


Lunch Order Provider

Our new lunch order provider, TK Tuckshop, has begun. Please see details below on how to order a lunch order for your child. This is available five days a week, Monday - Friday. 


Paloma Pops on Sale Friday Lunchtimes

After some freezer issues, Paloma Pops are back this Friday!


Glee Club - Years 4-6


Beauy Bucks


Lego Club at BPS - Term 1


Volunteering at BPS

Beaumaris Primary School highly values our community and the support we receive from parents and carers in many different aspects of school life. We welcome the opportunity for parents and carers to volunteer within our school across a range of different school-based activities.


In previous years, we have held information sessions to provide volunteers with the required information in order to volunteer. This year, we have created a digital Volunteer Handbook and an online induction process to ensure that the information is accessible to parents/carers at a time that suits them.


If you would like to volunteer at Beaumaris Primary School, the process will now be:

  • Read the below BPS Volunteer Handbook, which includes the below policies and documents:
    • BPS Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
    • BPS Child Safety Code of Conduct Policy
    • BPS Child Safety Responding and Reporting Policy
    • BPS Volunteers Policy
    • BPS Volunteer Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Induction Handbook.


  • Complete this online form, which includes both the Volunteer OHS Induction Checklist and the Volunteering at Beaumaris Primary School Questionnaire (


  • Email a scanned copy or provide in person for photocopying a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC) card to the office staff.

The above process will need to be completed prior to volunteering at Beaumaris Primary School. This process can be completed at any stage throughout the year, at a time that suits you.



We thank you for your interest in volunteering and supporting our students, staff and school community.


Privacy Reminder

Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.


Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy (attached below), describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn. 



We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use [Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education] safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using [Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education], please contact the school.


For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ privacy policy: information for parents