From the Principal's Desk

Term 1- Week 2

A very warm welcome to the 2025 academic school year to all of our returning and new families! We are so excited for a wonderful year of learning and working with your children and are thrilled with how smoothly the year has already begun. 


This newsletter is a short welcome back to school with our first official newsletter coming out at the end of next week. 


The students have thrown themselves into tasks and activities and are getting to know their classroom teachers and class mates. Our new Prep students have taken to school like a duck to water and are showing huge amounts of independence and capability which is a testament to the work you have done as parents and families to prepare them for their school year.


This year at Moriac PS, we have welcomed a large number of new staff to our school including 3 new teachers and 2 new classroom education support staff. Mattea Coppe, Will Jacobs, Bree Anderson, Leila Owens and Indy Parish have done a great job getting to know us and our students well so quickly and feel so part of our team already.


As we did last year, we will continue to publish this iNewsletter around three times per term with updates from all classrooms and learning areas as well as other bits and pieces across the school. Compass will still be our main form of communication year as well as classes continuing to utilise Seesaw as a digital portfolio for all students so that parents and families can stay in touch further with what is happening in classrooms. If you haven't connected yet with your child's class, please do not worry as QR codes will be coming home this week to support you with this. 


We are excited to kick off the year with our family community evening which was posted on Compass last week. Much like last year this is a brilliant way to meet your child's teacher, have a look around their classroom and stay for a picnic dinner. Our Parents and Friends group are also organising some extra fundraising items whilst we are all here and we look forward to this too. Please feel welcome to come for all or part of the afternoon/evening, we hope to see you there.


Please take a look at the following page which has key dates for the term, this is the easiest way for me to keep families updated so taking a screen shot or photo of that page might be helpful as we often forget when things are coming up. It includes all assembly times as well. Our first assembly will be special as we hand out our school leaders badges for the year in an official way.


We hope your child/children have had a fantastic start to the year with a smooth transition after a quite long break. If you have any questions or things you'd like answers to, as always email via Compass or call the school office too.


Take care,
