Middle Sub School News 


                                              Amelia Frantz  -  Middle Sub School Leader



Hello parents, families and carers, 


During weeks 3 and 4, students have been very busy working hard on their learning activities. This has included literacy, numeracy, personal and social skills and games. Focuses for numeracy this semester include counting, place value and measurement. In literacy, focuses include phonics, reading, writing and speaking and listening skills. In personal and social skills, students have been learning about expected behaviours, turn-taking, sharing and much more.  In gardening and cooking during the past two weeks, they made a scarecrow and salad wraps. 


A couple of reminders. SSGs finish up next week. Please ensure you have contacted the classroom teacher with your preferred date and time. 


Please pack a spare change of clothing for your child. These can be kept in classrooms.


Please feel free to reach out to me at any time. 


Enjoy the weekend,






Room 11

Room 11 had a great start to Term 1! We have settled into our classroom and learnt lots about each other. We have been enjoying sensory play, especially shaving cream! Room 11 have been having lots of fun and learning a lot during our specialist lessons. In Science the students had fun trying on different clothes for different weather. We also had lots of fun making delicious salad wraps in cooking. Room 11 are looking forward to an exciting year ahead!