Primary Sub School 

Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • Ashveer for following her schedule and doing her work.

Room 2

  • Amelia for following the classroom routine and  bringing her chair to circle time.
  • Nicholas for getting his tub and following a mini schedule to complete work tasks. 

Room 3

  • Spencer for settling well into Room 3 and demonstrating great listening skills.
  • Phoebe for settling well into Room 3 and joining the class at Morning Circle.

Room 4

  • Armando has been learning to complete tasks independently, for example unpacking and packing his school bag!  What a star you are, Armando!  Keep up the great work, Armando!


  • Mahira has been doing a great job at matching pictures to words.  What a star you are, Mahira!  Keep up the great work, Mahira!

Room 5

  • Evie for always helping others
  • Ransher for settling into the classroom well.

Room 6

  • Raffy for using her words.
  • Micah for doing great work in the classroom.

Room 7 

  •  Alex for showing kindness and care to his classmates 

Room 8

  • Madeline and Aboudi for demostrating great effort in their work. 

Room 9 

  • Decon for making excellent choices and completing all his work
  • Sharwin for completing work tasks and following his classroom program