Primary Sub-School News

Michelle Davies - Primary Sub School Leader

Michelle Davies - Primary Sub School Leader 


Welcome to the second edition of our newsletter!


A focus for Term 1 is supporting our students to learn class routines and whole school behaviour expectations, including how to wait for our turn, walking about school and when playing with our friends.  It has been lovely to observe our fabulous students engaging with their learning!


This year, we are excited to announce that the Primary Sub School welcomes our new Student Leaders, alongside some familiar faces who are continuing in their roles from last year. The Student Leadership Team meets every two weeks, with students rotating responsibilities to lead the meetings. In addition to discussing ideas and making decisions for the school, the Student Leaders develop essential skills such as raising and lowering the flags, knocking at doors then entering classrooms, distributing posters, and handing out tickets to students and staff who uphold the JSA School Expectations:

  • Look After Self
  • Look After Others
  • Look After Property

We have also been thrilled to welcome George the dog to the Primary Sub School!  Our students have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with George.  Please do check your child/ren’s SeeSaw page for lots of fantastic photos of this wonderful incursion!


Warm regards

Michelle Davies

Room 2

Room 2 have had a fantastic start to their first year of school and are doing amazing at following the school expectations. They have enjoyed getting to know their classmates and teachers and are already building great friendships. Room 2 enjoy playing in the playground, exploring sensory and fine motor activities, playing with toys in the classroom and are beginning to learn fun and new things. They have been learning how to sit at morning circle, choose their favourite songs to listen to and use a mini schedule to complete their work tasks. Room 2 have been completing hands on learning tasks, such as puzzles, stickers, counting, reading and matching. In Kitchen/ garden, they have enjoyed using their senses to touch, smell and taste new foods.  Room 2 have enjoyed exploring the OT room and meeting George the dog. The staff in Room 2 are proud of the students’ achievements so far and we are excited for the year ahead and all the things we will be learning.