Stage 3
A message from Stage 3
Stage 3
A message from Stage 3
"You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step"
- Martin Luther King Jr.
As the first opportunity to connect with the Stage 3 community of parents, carers and friends, I would like to invite everyone to join us for the year ahead of learning and enrichment. This is a critical time in the development of a child. These years, just before the onset of adolescents will see young people pursuing increased independence and a greater awareness of themselves beyond their immediate family. Experience also tells us that positive attitudes to learning are established prior to high school. Hence, we are preparing for a year in which we aim to support and nurture the intellectual, social, emotional and physical development of your children. It is our great privilege to work in partnership with you and inspire them to be the very best they can be.
We will be conducting interviews later this term, however, please do not hesitate to contact your child's classroom teacher should you wish. They can be reached by calling the school office - 6772 4263 or you are welcome to directly email (see below).
S3C - Mr Cotter -
S3O - Mr Osborn -
S3F - Mrs Farmer -
S3H - Mrs Hunt -
S3M - Mrs Watson (Mon-Weds) - or
& Mrs Boyce (Thurs-Fri)
S3P - Mrs Patterson -
A typical schedule of learning, includes an English (reading, writing, spelling etc) block each morning, mathematics sessions in the middle part of the day and afternoons are normally reserved for other key learning areas, like Geography, History, Science, ICT, PDHPE, visual arts and music. Below you will find a unit overview for each subject.
English - Narrative and Character - Storm Boy
Mathematics - The Number System, Flexible Strategies for Addition and Subtraction, What needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement, Fractions represent multiple ideas, Questions can be asked and answered using data.
Geography - Bush fire management and local planning
Science - Sustainable foods and fibre
PDHPE - How can I keep myself and others safe.
Creative Arts - Music and Visual arts
Across the school year, Stage 3 students will be invited to attend a number of excursions. Excursions always align with curriculum outcomes and/or help promote personal development. Most excursion do involve a fee. We always work hard to fundraise and access grant programs to offset the final cost passed onto families. The most significant excursion this year, will be a 4 day, 3 night camp at Aussie Bush Camp, Tea Gardens. Aussie Bush Camp is an amazing experience filled with fun, adventure and learning. The camp will take place in Term 3 (29th July - 1st August). Further information, booking forms and costs will be circulated this term.
Although the year has just begun, it is vitally important that we begin preparing our Year 6 students for their transition to high school. There will be a number of opportunities throughout the year for Year 6 students and their families to connect with Armidale Secondary College. As a first step, parents and carers of Year 6 students will shortly receive a link to an online form, which is the beginning of the enrolment process. Please respond and have this form completed by the due date to ensure the transition program stays on track. More information to follow.
Armidale Secondary College will be hosting an open night for all future families (Year 5 and 6 students are welcome to attend) on Wednesday 5th March. See the attached flyer for details.
Zane Osborn
Stage 3 Assistant Principal