
A message from Early Stage 1

Welcome to Kindergarten, 2025. What an exciting year this will be. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce all the Kindergarten teachers and the additional teachers that will be working with your child throughout the year.

Our Kindergarten Team this year is Miss Kate Frizell (Fish), Mrs Heidi Gray (Giraffes) and Mrs Eliza Tanner (Echidnas). 

Miss Frizell, Mrs Gray and Mrs Tanner
Miss Frizell, Mrs Gray and Mrs Tanner

Kindergarten's additional teachers are Mrs Wain (Library), Miss O'Hara (ICT), Ms Walker (PDHPE), Mrs Porter (Music), Mrs Rogers and Mrs Paul.

Mrs Wain
Mrs Wain
Mrs Rogers
Mrs Rogers
Miss O'Hara
Miss O'Hara
Mrs Paul
Mrs Paul
Ms Walker
Ms Walker
Mrs Porter
Mrs Porter

Please see below for email contacts for the Kindergarten teachers. Teachers do endeavour to check their emails throughout the day; however, if the message is urgent, or it is after 12:30 pm, please phone the office (67724263).

Miss Frizell - Kindergarten Fish (email:

Mrs Tanner - Kindergarten Echidnas (email: 

Mrs Gray - Kindergarten Giraffes (email:

We are encouraging students to eat their lunch at our first break of the day which is 11:10am as they are quite hungry and have more time to eat. Students can then have a snack in the ten minutes allocated for eating time at 1:45pm.   


We are learning to:

  • understand that words ending in the same sound rhyme (c-at & m-at) 
  • identify words that rhyme 
  • identify words in texts 
  • count words in written and spoken sentences
  • break words into parts (syllables) 
  • count the syllables in words


We are learning to:

  • accurately count objects to answer the question of ‘how many?’
  • recognise small collections of objects without counting.
  • count and record the digit for each number to 10
  • identify and draw straight and curved lines
  • compare and describe closed shapes and open lines

Integrated Learning

We are learning to:

  • understand what a family is and describe the people in our family
  • identify similarities and differences between families

Personal Development and Health (PDH)

We are learning to:

  • identify some of the skills needed to become successful PAX leaders

Visual Arts

We are learning to:

  • represent our family through drawing
  • use scissors to cut around our family pictures


We are learning to:

  • use our imagination in dramatic situations


  • Please ensure your child’s belongings, such as jumpers and hats, are clearly labelled with their name.
  • Do you have access to School Bytes? This is our main form of communication to parents about upcoming events and other important information. 
  • If the way your child is going home changes, please phone the school and advise.
  • Please pack chopped fresh fruit or vegetables for ‘crunch and sip’ in a small, separate container, especially if your child uses a bento style box. 

Our first days in Kindergarten

Heidi Gray, Kate Frizell and Eliza Tanner

Early Stage 1 Teachers