Principal's Message

Welcome to Week 5, Term 1. 

Another busy fortnight lies ahead, with a Kindergarten welcome BBQ, Stage 2 athletics workshops and the excursion to Lake Keepit, Stage 3 writing excursions, selected students attending a STEM day at UNE, and class visits to Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre commencing.


Last Tuesday, students in Stages 2 and 3 (as well as some Year 2 super-swimmers) participated in the Ben Venue swimming carnival. This was a great day and it was wonderful how students supported each other's best efforts in the pool. Student behaviour on the day was exceptional and everyone attending should be proud of the way in which they conducted themselves.


A special thank you to Miss O'Hara and Mrs Watson for coordinating the carnival. 


Good luck to those students representing Ben Venue at the zone level carnival this Thursday.

Mural opening

Last Friday, we officially opened the new mural that was completed by Dave Widders and Narmi Collins-Widders over the Christmas break. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend. It was a special occasion, with a BBQ, Dave explaining the symbolism behind the mural and students adding their handprint to the artwork.


Thank you to Dave and also to the Ben Venue P&C for supporting the event. Thank you again to the P&C for funding the project.

Elective activities

This week, students in Years 1-6 will submit their preferences for Tuesday afternoon 'elective' activities. Each class will view a short video containing an explanation of the activity by the coordinating teacher before submitting their preferences in order. Once we receive this information from our students, we will be able to determine whether all activities will run, and how many students can be accommodated in each group. Choices in each stage are as follows:

We are excited to be able to offer this range of options and look forward to elective activities commencing in the near future. Please be aware that some electives will have restrictions on the number of students involved and first preferences may not be available to all. Auditions may be required for some groups if they prove popular.


Families will have received a School Bytes communication relating to the scheduling of parent-teacher / parent-student-teacher interviews this term. Please select an interview time with your child's teacher when bookings open. Parents and carers are reminded that interviews can also be requested at any time throughout the year by contacting the school office, or your child's teacher directly via email.

Student leaders

At a recent assembly, our 2025 student leaders were inducted into their positions on the team. The leaders pledged to set an excellent example to their peers, represent the school with pride, support those in need and contribute to our community. They also received ties that represent their commitment.


On Sunday 16 February, 13 of our leaders represented Ben Venue at the National Servicemen's Commemoration in Central Park. It was wonderful to see such a strong representation of our school at this event. Thank you to all these leaders, including Zedekiah for delivering the Ode, as well as Matilda and Eliza for laying the wreath.


This week, our leaders will participate in their first Leadership Learning Day with Mr Osborn and Mr Pryce.

Stage 2 camp - Lake Keepit

Stage 2 students and teachers will head to Lake Keepit for an overnight camp next week. Thank you to all families who returned notes and payment promptly. Please ensure medical forms have now been completed.


Following the camp, a survey will be sent to Stage 2 families to help us determine whether the activity continues in its current form.


I want to thank attending staff in advance for supporting this opportunity for our students.

Parking around the school

This past fortnight, I have received several requests from local residents to remind motorists to ensure driveways are not blocked when parking for afternoon collecting of students. Please support us to maintain positive relations with our local residents.



Cam Pryce
