Physical Education - what's happening at STA!

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to another year at St Anthony's and another year of lots of sporting activities. We have much to look forward to including Carnivals, Gala Days, and much more! 


We are very fortunate this year to have instructors from the Australian Martial Arts Academy coming in for 9 weeks.  This program will include elements of fitness, technique, application and context (how to and how not use it safely), strength & flexibility drills, meditation, listening exercises and all equipment is included by the academy.


Practising Martial Arts teaches children:

• Respect & Resilience: teaching children to look others in the eye, to stand up straight and try their best!

• That being 'mean on purpose' in any form is not acceptable.

• Strength, Flexibility and Control all while improving Fitness.

• How to use their voice and hold their body, to show their confidence.

• Self defence techniques and when and when not to use them.


Children will also have Sport lessons with their class teacher on Fridays.  All teachers will focus on Fundamental Movement Skills in their lessons while incorporating elements of playground games. We have purchased new sports equipment to enhance our Sport lessons further including a 'Balance Kit' and various Sport balls (Basketball, Touch Football, Netball and Tchoukball).

Gala Days

Years 3 - 6 will focus on preparing for upcoming Gala Days (Netball, Soccer, European Handball, Oztag). Dates for the Gala days are listed below.

Cross Country 2025

Years 2 - 6 will also be preparing for Cross Country Trials which will be held in Week 6 of this term. Miss Claffey will select students to attend a trial at Varna Park. On Monday, 10th March selected students from Year 2 & 3 will have their trial at 8.15am. They will then walk back to school with Miss Claffey. On Friday, 14th March selected students from Years 4, 5 & 6 will have their trial at 8.15am. They will walk back to school that morning with Miss Claffey. If student are successful they will have the opportunity to represent St Anthony's at the SCS Cross Country Championships. 

Important Dates

Here is an outline of what is happening in Semester 1. Some event dates are subject to change due to weather conditions etc.  Other events may be added later in the term so please check each newsletter issue. Detailed information for parents will be sent out via compass with resources attach for your attention. Please read thoroughly.

Term 1   
Netball Girls Pathway TrialSelected StudentsMonday 17th February (Week 3)
Rugby Boys Pathway TrialSelected StudentsMonday 24th February (Week 4)
Soccer Girls & Boys TrialSelected StudentsWednesday 26th February (Week 4)
Swimming ChampionshipsSelected StudentsMonday 3rd March (Week 5)
Stage 3 Netball Gala DayAll Students in Years 5&6Tuesday 1st April (Week 9)
Term 2  
Cross Country ChampionshipsSelected StudentsTuesday 6th May (Week 2)
Stage 3 European Handball Gala DayAll Students in Years 5 & 6Tuesday 13th May (Week 3)
STA Athletics CarnivalAll Students K-6Monday 19th of May (Week 4)
Stage 2 Netball Gala DayAll Students in Year 3 & 4Tuesday 27th May (Week 5)
Stage 3 Tchoukball Gala DayAll Students in Years 5 & 6Tuesday 10th June (Week 7)


As always I am looking for parent volunteers to help out on Carnival Day and Gala Days. It is vital that parents complete the Child Protection Induction in order to volunteer. This will be held after each session of the parent information night. 


I am looking forward to another great year of sport and activities! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Is mise le meas,


Miss Bríd Claffey

Sport Teacher