Acting Principal's Message

Welcome to the 2025 School Year 

I trust you have had a restful and wonderful break with your family and loved ones. Welcome back to all who have been a part of our school family for years. We extend a special welcome to our new students and families, and we are honoured to have you join us on this educational journey.


Parents, we understand that you are eagerly awaiting the start of the new school year. It is a time filled with anticipation for the experiences and growth that lie ahead for your children. Our commitment to fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment remains a priority. We recognise the importance of collaboration between school and home, and we value the partnership we share with every family in our community. May this school year be filled with meaningful experiences, growth, and achievements for all.


St Anthony's has made an excellent start to the 2025 school year. The students are very settled and focused on learning. As I visit the classrooms I have been delighted to see just how engaged the students are with their learning, the respectful way they communicate and the joy they show in learning together. I congratulate all our students for showing such a positive attitude to their learning. Thank you to all parents for your collaboration with the new before-school drop-off and after-school pick-up arrangements.


Best wishes are also extended to last year’s Year 6 students as they commence the next stage in their schooling - high school.


May I also take this opportunity to remind you that if at any time you need any assistance, have any questions or have any concerns regarding your children or any aspect of the school, please do not hesitate to contact the school office to make an appointment to speak to the class teacher or any other member of staff. I am more than happy to speak with you also and if by chance I am unavailable at the time will do my best to contact you as soon as possible. 


During the initial few weeks of the year, we endeavour to ensure that everyone is well-informed about the learning agenda for your children and our school vision, expectations, procedures and processes. This newsletter and the following events are significant for achieving this goal. The school newsletter will be sent via Compass on a Wednesday every fortnight. 


We congratulate the school leadership team for 2025!

School Captains

Lila Buchanan

Luke O’Sullivan

SRC Captains

Samuel Thompson

Leila Fitzgerald

Padua House Captains 


Morgan King

Bianca Benic

Nagle House Captains 

Elsa Callum

Charlotte Ingram

MacKillop House Captains 

Bonnie Rogers

Adele Calvert

CAPA Captains

Azura Poynting

Freya Buchanan

Lunchtime Club Captains

Isaac Kirkwood

Kai Williams

Waratah Brady

Sienna Phyland

Library Captains

Kiana Parsyar

Almudena Gamarra Angulo

Environmental Captains

Alejandro Gamarra Angulo

James Sikalos

Parent Information Evening

Parent Information Evening for Kindergarten to Year 6 will be held tonight, Wednesday, 12th February in classrooms. This evening is a very important aspect of school life. 


These meetings provide you with an opportunity to be informed about the curriculum for your child’s particular class. It is a great introduction to the year whilst establishing a clear understanding of the expectations within the classroom, for stage/year opportunities and the general organisation of the school. 


All parents will be given a curriculum overview at the commencement of the parent meeting.


Child Safe Communities (Child Protection) Volunteer Induction 

If you wish to be a parent helper for any activities that occur during the school year (e.g. classroom parent helpers, excursions, athletics, swimming carnivals, canteen and local walks). It is imperative that you attend this session, they will be offered after the parent information session. These mandatory child protection courses are only valid for the school year. 

Parent Information Time Year Group(Child Protection) Volunteer Induction 
5:30pmYear 16pm (Year 1 Classroom)
5:30pm Year 26pm (Year 1 Classroom)
6:30pmYear 37pm (Year 3 Classroom)
6:30pm Year 47pm (Year 3 Classroom)
6pm Year 56:30pm (Year 6 Classroom)
6pm Year 66:30pm (Year 6 Classroom)

Student Goal Setting and Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences

Parental engagement recognises the important role that both parents and teachers play in developing positive attitudes towards learning and education for children, building their motivation and confidence as learners, and fostering their enjoyment of learning. Parents and families play an important role in supporting their child's education. 


Research has shown that when schools and families work together, children do better, stay in school longer, are more engaged with their schoolwork, go to school more regularly, behave better and have better social skills. Parent engagement also results in longer term economic, social and emotional benefits. 


Next week we invite parents and carers to come to school to meet their child’s teachers. These meetings involve the development of shared goals with input from parents, teachers and children and allow for a shared learning environment to be established from the very beginning. We recognise that all children are different and their learning journey needs to be catered to their specific needs. 


Teacher’s Role: Teachers will facilitate the meeting and give insight into how your child has started the school year. 

Parent’s Role: Parents will give teachers any information they feel is relevant for the academic, social and emotional support they will require at school

Child’s Role: To share their ideas about where they feel they are doing well and which areas they are looking to grow and further develop this year.  


As the year progresses, it is hoped that the students will be able to share their achievements with their teachers and parents. We hope that this process will not only help instil student responsibility but also make it easier for you as parents to engage with your child about their learning. 


Parent/Teacher/Student conferences will take place next week from 17, 18 & 19 February. These 15 minute interviews are conducted face to face in classrooms and the student is encouraged to attend. Parents are able to make a booking online via Compass. 

Wellbeing Initiative - Mindful Movement 

This term Sydney Catholic Schools offered schools a Wellbeing initiative - Mindful Movement which is taught to all students K-6 on a Monday for 20 minutes. 


Mindful movement is a practice that helps children connect with their bodies and minds. With mental health and well-being being so important for all students, mindful movement offers many benefits. It improves strength, flexibility, and coordination while also helping to regulate emotions, reduce anxiety, and enhance focus.

The practice includes stretching, simple exercises, breathing techniques, and movement games. By focusing on breath and movement, children learn to calm their minds, manage stress, and improve emotional regulation. It also helps boost confidence and physical health by improving concentration, balance, coordination, and overall fitness.

Incorporating mindful movement into children's routines is a fun and effective way for them to feel better both mentally and physically!


The students enjoyed the first session where they were able to relax and focus on their breathing and stretch their muscles. Ms Ciara Rohan a qualified teacher is very enthusiastic in her lessons and the students reciprocated by showing their engagement in the lesson. 


2025 Staff Development Days (Pupil Free Days)

Each year, Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) provides time for Staff Development Days (SDD) which provides professional learning time for all staff. With the introduction of the new English and Mathematics Syllabus' in 2023 (K-2) and 2024 (Years 3-6) and the implementation of other syllabi within the next two years, SCS has provided the following days in 2025. 

Term 1
Friday, 31 January
Monday, 3 February
Friday, 11 April
Term 2
Friday, 6 June
Monday, 4 July
Term 3
Monday, 21 July
Monday, 8 September
Friday, 26 September
Term 4
Monday, 13 October

Week 1 Assembly - Congratulations to the award recipients! Well done to our Year 6 leaders who led their very first assembly for 2025!

Week 1
Week 1
Week 1
Week 1


Discover St Anthony's co-educational excellence from Kindergarten to Year 6 at our Term 1 Open Days for 2026 and 2027 enrolments. 

Please pass this information on to anyone who is looking for a school this year, next year or in a few years' time, to come and have a look. 

Mark Woolford, Principal, Marcellin College Randwick and two Marcellin students will visit St Anthony's Primary Clovelly this week on Monday 24 February at 8.25am to talk with parents and boys from Years 2 - 5 about the opportunities available to you at Marcellin College Randwick.


There will be an opportunity for a Q&A and they will also bring flyers about their upcoming Open Day should you wish to attend.


This talk will take place in our school Library and we anticipate it going for about 45 minutes.


Marie Iorfino

Acting Principal