Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Carers


Last week I attended our first Catholic Education Sandhurst gathering for 2025 in Bendigo. We started with a mass in the Cathedral commissioning new leaders across our system. It was great to be back in Bendigo and gather in such a significant place. 

Our meeting the following day had a strong focus on Magnify updates, further learnings, and sharing across schools and support. I walked away from this day feeling affirmed about the work our staff have done implementing this new approach. Students are clearly immersed in their learning, and it will be great to share this as the year progresses. 


Thanks to those parents who were able to come in and meet with teachers. If you were unable to make the meetings and would like to see your child/ren’s teacher, please make a time to do so. 

We have reviewed the timing of these meetings following staff and parent feedback. These will be scheduled differently next year. 


Staffing Updates 

I am very pleased to share that we will welcome back Stephanie Mason and Rebecca Spiteri. Steph and Rebecca both worked in our 2/3 classroom last year, and we are very excited to have their experience and dedication back on board. 

Steph will be working Mondays as our STEAM teacher. Rebecca will be working Thursdays and Fridays in 5/6 with Michael Kearton. 


School Council 2025 

Our first School Council Meeting is scheduled for next Monday 24th February at 6:00 pm. This will be an Open Meeting where we will be electing a new Chair and finalising foci for the year. We invite you to come along to find out more about this group. You may wish to attend just the one meeting, or with a view to become a part of the School Council. 


Parent Reps 2025 

We are still looking for Parent Reps for 4B and 5/6K. Thank you to Kara Cook who has put her hand up to be Parent Rep for F/1S and 2/3C. 

The role of the parent rep is to support the communication of information between the school and families, liaise with teachers and the principal with feedback, and to support, organise, and external social catchups. 

Please get in touch if you would like to put your hand up this year, it is a role that can be shared. 


Lunch Orders

Lunch orders are back! They will be available on Friday, February 21st. Please note that we will change to Thursday as of next week.


Kellz Kitch Is now providing lunch orders, which will be available on Thursdays from 27 February 2025. Orders must be placed by 7 p.m. the night before. Please order via the link below.