School Notices

ICY POLES ARE AVAILABLE on Fridays at lunchtime for .50c. This is run by the Mary & Brigid group and goes towards a charity. This year it is St Vincent De Paul.

Office open:

Mon-Fri: 8.30-3.30 pm

Yard Supervision:

Morning: 8.30-8.50 am

Their Care Link:

Bell Times: 

School begins: 8.50 am

Recess: 11.00-11.30 am

Lunch: 1.35-2.10 pm

Finish: 3.15 pm


Bank Account Details: 

General Account (School Fees): St Josephs Primary School Beechworth

BSB                       083-543

Account No.       51-683-8576

Sandpiper: This month’s edition of The Sandpiper can be viewed at

School Uniform 

Kellz Kitch Lunch Orders




















School Term Dates

2024Start dateFinish date
Term 47 October20 December
2025Start dateFinish date
Term 1

28 January (students from Grades 1-6 start 30th January 

and Foundation start 31st January)

4 April
Term 222 April4 July
Term 321 July19 September
Term 46 October19 December