Years 7-9 Coordinators

Jodie Bishop & Kim Fitzpatrick

7-9 Key Dates


Mon3rdWhole School Mid Term Assembly @ 9am 
Tues4thYr 7 & 10 Immunisation Program 
Thur6thNCD Triathlon 
Tues11thLMR Swimming (only for those that qualify)
Weds - Fri12th - 14thYr 8 Surf Camp
  NAPLAN testing begins (Yrs 3, 5, 7 & 9)
Tues18thSchool Photos
Fri21stNAPLAN testing concludes
Fri4thEnd of Term 

Year 7 Orientation Camp

The Year 7 students attended their orientation camp at Boort last week and had a fabulous time. The Spannerman and The Keeping Place were very interesting places to visit, with everyone learning something new at these venues.

Many thanks to Jodie for all her organisation and for attending the camp, along with Angus. Thanks also to all the staff who attended at different times. 

Around The Classrooms

A focus on Year 8 this week. 

Who ever thought, computations with decimals could be such an active thing to do…Well done Mr Ryan!

Miss King and the students had me amazed in their investigation of the connection in stable and unstable systems.

NCD Swimming

Congratulations to all students who attended the NCD Swimming Carnival on Monday. It was great to see a large number of students representing the College with pride and putting forth their best efforts in the pool. Big shout out to Heidi S and Stella N for winning Age Group Champions. 

7-10 Sport

PE and Sport Term 1 will consist of Team Building, Fitness and Aquatics. 


7-10 PE is timetabled for Tuesday period 5 and 6 with Declan Ryan and Darcy McCallum

7-9 Sport is timetabled for Wednesday Period 5 and 6 with Rhys Thompson and Darcy McCallum. 


For Term 1, students are required to bring their sport uniformhat and drink bottle to both classes. 


Dates students will require bathers:  25th, 26th Feb & 4th, 5th March.  

*Please note to bring both bathers and Sport uniform to the above dates in case of an unforeseen change in weather etc.


Students who are unable to participate in any activities, must bring a signed parent note or email one of the above PE staff. 


Where possible, we will work with non-participating students to continue to be as involved in activities as possible so please still bring a change of uniform. Our goal is to have maximum participation and all students engaged in our activities in ways that are appropriate for the individual and for all students to be giving their best effort to all they do. 


If students are waiting on a sport shirt, please still bring a change of clothes appropriate to be active in (must be a shirt – no singlets).