Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden 

Briony Zagame 

SAKG Report- contributed by Tom from the Cringey Crumpets.

This week, in SAKG, we made Tomato and Basil Focaccia, Indian Flatbread and Tomato and Basil Pasta. It was all very delicious, but everyone decided the pasta was the tastiest of the foods we made today. We harvested tomatoes from the school garden to use in our meals. A big thank you to Cody's Mum, Kate for coming in assisting. 


Happy eating!!!🍅🍅


Our delicious meals
Lily with the tomatoes she picked
Carefully weighing the flour
Lilymae carefully measuring the salt
Hudson, Chace and Eadie with the foccacias
Cody with the fresh fettucini
Cody, Tom F and Isabella cutting pasta
Our delicious meals
Lily with the tomatoes she picked
Carefully weighing the flour
Lilymae carefully measuring the salt
Hudson, Chace and Eadie with the foccacias
Cody with the fresh fettucini
Cody, Tom F and Isabella cutting pasta