ENPS School News 

Tandy Johnson

Principal News - Term 1 Week 2

We have enjoyed a continuation of the wonderful start that we saw in the first days back last week. Across the school there is a sense of calm and high levels of engagement despite the challenging weather. This week our foundation students have completed their first two full days at school. It has been wonderful to see them settling into school life so effortlessly and to observe their confidence with some new routines that are actively being taught. The highlight of the week for Foundation students was meeting their buddies on Tuesday followed by a picnic lunch with family members. We were fortunate with the weather that we were still able to have picnics outside under shelter to help it feel ‘picnicy’. (you won’t find this word in the current dictionary)


Hot weather arrangements

As shared with students at last week’s assembly, when the temperature is extreme, we enact measures to keep students as comfortable as possible. If the temperature is predicted to be 35 degrees or over, we will change our longer break (lunch recess) to occur from 10:40-11:30am to beat the heat. If the temperature is still below 35 degrees at 1:10 pm we will run a short recess (1:10-1:40pm) outside. If during either of these breaks the temperature reaches 35 degrees, students will spend the remainder of the break and day inside. The leadership team make use of multiple weather apps to ensure that students are not outside once the temperature reaches 35 degrees. All classrooms are air-conditioned. Students are encouraged to regularly hydrate on these days, so we ask that you remind them to bring their refillable water bottle every day. On Fridays we will be monitoring the temperature and deciding as early as possible about assembly and whether the conditions are suitable for an outdoor assembly. When we have special presentations, we understand that students prefer to be on stage in front of our community to be recognised so we aim for this to occur when the conditions are appropriate. 


Information sessions

This week parent information sessions were well attended making it a terrific opportunity for teachers to share programs and events as well as an opportunity for families to ask questions about how ENPS will be operating in 2025.


School Saving Bonus

We are currently preparing a factsheet on how this payment process works and can be applied to items. A compass new feed came out this morning to help you to best plan how you would like to apply this.



With new government restrictions introduced that limit quantities of some medications available to purchase, we are no longer able to supply students with paracetamol, ibuprofen or antihistamines. If your child requires any of these medications, please complete the medication form available from the office when you send in any of these medications that your child may require.


School Council elections

We have 3 vacancies for parents to join our School Council this year. 

To stand for election, you will need to arrange for someone to nominate and second you as a candidate in the parent category. Once the nomination form is completed (available from the Principal), return it to Tandy Johnson by the close of nominations on Monday 10 February by 4.00 p.m. Along with a nomination, we ask each candidate to furnish a brief background statement. This can be used to introduce new councillors to the community, or to enable an informed decision to be made should an election be necessary. 

Ask at the office for help if you would like to stand for election and are not sure what to do.  A nomination form for parents is available at the office.


PST Conferences

Bookings are open on Compass for you to secure a time for next Thursday. A Compass event has been posted including instructions on how to book your timeslot. In preparation for your interviews, please arrive at least 5 minutes before your scheduled interview 


What’s on next week?

Thursday : PST conferences

Friday: School Swimming Carnival