Junior, Middle & Senior
Sub School Offices
We hope all students are enjoying Term 1 with its fun activities and learning opportunities.
We also want to give a special welcome to our new students at LHS. We trust they are getting comfortable in their new environment, discovering what our school offers, and starting to make new friends.
Our Sub School Offices have an open-door policy, and students are encouraged to come in and talk about any questions or concerns they have throughout the year.
We also welcome meetings with parents and carers to discuss any concerns, as communication with families is important for student success.
If you wish to meet with a Year Coordinator, please call ahead to make an appointment. This allows us to have enough time to address your needs and offer the support you need.
Junior School
Head of Year 7: Madalene Ignatiadis
Head of Year 8 and Junior School: Elizabeth Nevins
Assistant Year Level Coordinators
- Cindy Harris
- Erin Pearson
- Caitlin Taylor
- Justin Tulett
- Zoe Younger
Junior School Assistants
- Year 7 – Eryn Sund
- Year 8 – Kirralee Stewart
Middle School
Head of Year 9: Riana Asta
Head of Year 10 and Middle School: Michael Bourne
Assistant Year Level Coordinators
- Kate Jackson
- David Feeger
- Dean Izzard
- Rob Webb
Middle School Assistant: Lauren Kelso
Senior School
Head of Year 11: Morgan Wyatt
Head of Year 12 and Senior School: Daniel Toma
Assistant Year Level Coordinators
- Henri Mouratidis
- Brendon Huby
- Jayne Morrow
- Kate Hankin
- Katie Hunter
Senior School Assistant: Jenny McLean
Bell Times
Arriving to school ON TIME
All students should arrive at school no later than 8:30 am. This arrival time is crucial as it allows students to have sufficient time to settle in, put their bags in their lockers, and organise their books and resources effectively for their first two periods of the day - Period 1 starts at 8.40 am.
Students arriving at school AFTER 8:40 am MUST sign in at the relevant Sub School Office to receive a late pass before proceeding to their classroom. This procedure ensures that all students are accounted for and our attendance records accruate.
We ask that parents/carers provide a parent approval note on Compass or hand written note explaining the reason for late arrival.
Alternatively, a message can be left on the School Absence Line 9735 5644.
School Uniform
Students are REQUIRED to wear correct school uniform every day, including travelling to and from Lilydale High School.
The co-operation of parents and carers is expected in delivering a high standard of appearance for students.
Sanctions will apply for any student not wearing the correct uniform items.
SMS Link
Students Absent
When your child is marked as ABSENT without prior parent approval before 10:45am,Parent A will receive a text message containing a LINK to explain the absence.
Once the link is followed and reason for absence is entered, the unexplained absence will update Compass.
If you are unable to log in to Compass OR are having trouble approving absences, please email the Sub School Office Assistants who will be able to assist you.
Charge Devices
A reminder, students are to make sure that devices are fully charged before coming to school. They are a very important learning tool that should be ready to use every day at school.
Student Lockers
As a number of valuable items (Chromebooks, mobile phones, wallets etc) are stored in students' lockers throughout the day, it is imperative that all students padlock their locker to ensure items do not go missing.
Locks can be purchased from the School Office for $10.00
Facial Piercings
No students may have facial piercings whilst at school (including a clear piercing or covering the piercing with a band-aid).
We strongly recommend that any new piercings be held off until the December school holidays to allow sufficient healing time before the piercing needs to be removed daily for school attendance.
School Canteen
Please click on the link below to view the 2025 School Canteen Menu.